Kingdom Finances - Bill Burns

May 7, 2001:

It has been prophesied that a transfer of wealth from the world to the church would take place. I had prayed and asked the Lord why we have not seen this transference take place yet. On Sunday during the worship service the Lord spoke to me about kingdom finances, and this is what He said:

"If I had given you the promised finances before you received the power of Pentecost, you would have not been prepared to receive the essence of the power that I am about to give you. I say, stop worrying about money, and start seeking to prepare yourselves to receive the fullness of the power of Pentecost.

"The finances that you require will come, but you must first receive the fullness of the power of the kingdom. You must first be able to say with Peter, 'Silver and gold have I none, but such as I have I give unto you.' When you see Me in the power of My kingdom you will be endued with power from on high, and then you can say, 'Such as I have.' First, you must receive that which will set you free, that which will heal you, that which will reveal the kingdom to you so you can know the way in which you should go. And, then I will put the finances in your hand, and the kingdom shall be manifest in the earth and flourish in the cities of refuge and the places that I have designed by My own will."

We must understand that God's plans are perfect, and He establishes all things in His perfect order. So, first His power must be realized in the church, and we must know what we have within and be able to demonstrate His power in the world before He will fund our efforts. God will not fund our own efforts apart from His power. He will not fund something that is going to shipwreck.

If we first receive the fullness of the Spirit, then we will not be distracted and hindered by money because it will be secondary to that which we have within us, the greater gift of His presence and His power, which indwells us and keeps us in the ways of His kingdom. Then, all things will take place according to His word. We must come into the fullness of His power, and then all that we need physically and financially will come to pass. These are the days of the restoration of all things. Therefore, let us not grow weary, but let us press towards the mark of the high calling so that we may receive all that the Master has for us. Amen!