Raymond Aguilera’s prophecies

Numbers, dates, months, years

Raymond Aguilera’s prophecies – Numbers, times, dates, months, years

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Starting prophecy for this section:

1571. Prophecy and Vision given to Raymond Aguilera on 6 January 2001.

…. Beware My Children, there will come a day, when you will not be able to buy Bibles or Prophecies Books. For the end will come swiftly. The beast is ready. My Angels are ready. Remember the dates and the numbers. I have been telling you through Reymundo, for almost 12 years now, and many are beginning to see the pattern of Jehovah. This is right and true. My Seed will spread, but the devil's seed is stronger in numbers. But the Power and Love rest in Jehovah. This is what I want you to do! I want you to buy yourself a bible if you do not have one, and read it until you know it well. Also download all the prophecies from Reymundo's web sites. He will instruct you where to do this or buy the prophecies books. You still have time, but all of this information will be stopped at one point in time, and you will have to go into hiding with others. This is no game or joke. For the Antichrist is going to destroy the places they manufacture Bibles and Christian literature. He will also try to burn all other material he can find. Mark My Words, this will happen with vengeance. My Peace I give you, but there are certain things that must happen first. So be it! So be it! So be it! ….



63. Prophecy given to Raymond Aguilera on the 26 May 1992 at 2:20 AM.

When the hour strikes three, the Bomb will go off in the City of Paris. When the time, of the Rebellion is in the works, the Bomb will go off at 3 o'clock, Paris time, on the day of the great storm. The wind, the rain will be blowing, the lighting will be striking. The city will be in total shambles at precisely 3:03. The life of many will be lost, because the Officials believed that they were safe from the Mad Man that will deceive the city.

So mark My Words.The day and the hour will begin. When the Beast is allowed access to certain documents, that will incriminate certain City Officials. He will use the documents to persuade the Officials, to deceive the Officials, to allow him access to certain documents, that will give him power. So the Beast will triumph over Paris with the Bomb at 3 o'clock, on the day of the storm, when the City and the World least expect.

For the Accomplice of the Beast will gain momentum, as the corrupt Officials are tortured with their own words. For no one will be safe from the Accomplice. In the hour, and in the manner that he chooses, he will do what he wants. So saith Jehovah. Remember My Words, the Beast and the Accomplice will arrive at the appointed time. So beware and listen to My Prophets. For they are in your midst. Trust in your God, Jehovah, with all your might, for the hour is almost here. (Non- understandable tongues?) Farewell. Farewell.


73. Prophecy given to Raymond Aguilera on 4 June 1992.


Hear Me! What I mentioned earlier of the World, of the Star, of the Sky, of the world is going to start, the 30th of July in the New Year, but the year of God, of Christ, I cannot tell you. But the 30th of July is going to start the date of the war with the Pig. And you can mark that date on your Calendar on July 30th, of July.

What a shame of what's going to happen on that date, because they are going to die, many people, you have to watch the River of Blood because the river is going to get high with the Blood of the War. Hear Me, the picture of the War (non-understandable tongues?) They fell, the Valiant ones that fought in the War of Christ, but they have risen themselves up once again. And this time they are going to fight to the end. The Pig is going to learn who is the God of Gods and the King of Kings.





103. Prophecy given to Raymond Aguilera on 22 June 1992.

For I love you Ray. The Owl will come to its tree in mid-November. The Owl will fall fast. The Owl will meet the Hornet. The Hornet will execute the Owl for the Beast only wants those who are obedient to him. For the kingdom of the devil is Death. For the kingdom of the Beast is at hand. For the kingdom of the Beast will fall as it is stated in the Bible. The points of reference are Joel, Machabees, John, chapter six in Revelations.


114. Prophecy given to Raymond Aguilera on 26 June 1992 at 11:02 AM. in English.


For the hour and the day is here that was stated in the Bible through the Prophet Joel. For the closing of this Planet will be done according to the Word of Jehovah, your God. So take courage, be wise. For the time and the hour will be rapidly coming.

When the crow crows in the morning, will be the time of the first tribulation on this Planet. In the country of the far eastwhen the false prophet uses the false word that the devil gave him to defame and to Blaspheme against the Almighty Jehovah. For the Power, and the Glory, and the Honor belongs to Jehovah, and only Jehovah.And Jehovah will not allow his Name to be Blasphemed in any manner, and in any shape, at any time for the pot does not tell the Potter what to do at anytime at any place.



167. Prophecy given to Raymond Aguilera on 23 July 1992.

The boat is going to come on the sixth in the year of the Ram. The boat is going to come. Did you hear Me, Reymundo? Did you hear Me? The boat is going to come on the sixth, in the year of the Ram, and you have to put down all that I am telling you. For its going to come with force and the force is going to scare the World, in the year of the Ram, on the sixth day.

Did you hear what I am telling you Reymundo? Open your ears and eyes and put down what I am telling on your computer. For the day is coming of the boat that's coming to San Francisco. Here comes the day of the boat.

For I am going to close the world with the force of the devil. For the devil is everything that is filthy. I, the God of Heaven, of the World with My Son Christ and the Holy Spirit, I am going to shut the devil in the pit. For I am tired of all that is filthy and everyone that thinks they know it all. I am going to place them in the pit if they think like the devil. ….


183. Prophecy given to Raymond Aguilera on 8 August 1992 at 2:53 AM.

The hour has arrived for the big push, My Reymundo. The hour has arrived. The Prophecies will be sent to the Andes. They will be sent to Korea. They will be sent to Australia. They are the beginning of the Garden of the New World.

For Jehovah God is going to close this planet with the Force and Power of God. For the day is here that was mentioned in the Bible. The hour of the day of the high noon Slaughter will happen, like the Prophet Jeremiah stated in the Old Testament, to the Point, and Rapidly. For all that is evil will be removed and dropped into the pit of hell with all the followers of hell. So saith Jehovah God with the Son Jesus Christ of Nazareth, and the Holy Spirit.

Remember the places. Remember the direction. Remember your Father in Heaven, Jehovah the I am, I am. (Non-understandable tongues)


186. Prophecy and Vision given to Raymond Aguilera on 13 August 1992 at 8:29 AM. and 8:33 AM.

Vision 8:29 AM.

I had a vision of a man on top of a flag pole with a little red ball on top. He was clinging to it, with his legs and arms wrapped around it. Then he started to slide down. I see the original flag of the United States, with thirteen stars in a circle. As the man slides down the flag pole I see the flag at the top, but originally he was at the top without the flag. As he slid down somehow the flag appeared at the top. Now He is at the bottom tying the cords. (Non-understandable tongues?)




309. Dream given to Raymond Aguilera on 24 March 1993 at 7:00 AM.

I had a dream and heard a voice say, "Seven years." Then I heard Praise Music, and a voice say," Seven years."



387. Prophecy given to Raymond Aguilera on 5 November 1993 in Spanish.

She is there on the El Camino Real. She is there on the El Camino Real, the little lady. Yes, there she is, on the El Camino Real, on the El Camino Real. She is there, on the Camino thirty. She is calling. She is calling. She is calling. Carmanlito, Carmanlito.



388. Prophecy given to Raymond Aguilera on 10 November 1993 at 9 AM.


She is there at 3025. She is there at 3025. She is there, the little girl. She is there. Thirty-twenty-five, My son, 3025, My son, she is there. Open your eyes, open your ears to the things I tell you. For they are the truth and to the point.

Arm yourself, arm yourself with what is good, with all that is of God. For here comes the day that the world is going to stop. The Day that the devil is going to eat the Body of My Son. Did you hear Me, My Reymundo. You have to get use to the things of God. You have to adjust yourself with the things of God. Did you hear Me. This is your Father with the Son and the Holy Spirit.

He is there.... He is there, the teacher. Hear Me, My son. He is there. He is there.

The wedding, wedding wedding...

Cas´cara (Spanish word means: hull, peel, rind, shell, bark, crust,) Cas´cara, Cas´cara.


Hear Me, Michael... Michael, what I said is the truth. This is your Father in Heaven with the Son Jesus Christ of Nazareth, and the Holy Spirit. Listen to Me Michael. Pay Attention! Open your eyes, open your ears for what has happen has to be resolved. So listen to My Words Michael research, and study the information I have given you. Your Heavenly Father is watching you. So be it. So be it. So be it.


Comandante, Comandante (Commandant)



389. Prophecy given to Raymond Aguilera on 3 December 1993 at 5 AM. in Spanish.

In the house, in the cup. There it is, in the cup, in the cup. Yes, in the cup and in the cardboard. Yes! Yes! Yes! My Heart, My Heart, My Heart. (Non-understandable tongues?) She is there. (Non-understandable tongues?) The tied branch, the tied branch, My Little Girl, My Little one is cut. (Non-understandable tongues?) Tahoe, Tahoe, Tahoe, Tahoe, Tahoe, Tahoe, Tahoe, because she is cut. (Non-understandable tongues?) Tahoe, Tahoe. She is there. She is there on the road thirty. She is there. She is there. She is there.



392. Prophecy and Visions given to Raymond Aguilera on 5 January 1994.

I had a vision of a map. I believe it was the map of the Orient, but I am not really sure. I saw an entire Navy and it was moving east. As I looked at the map, I saw an arrow appear and point in the direction of the east.

The next image I saw was of a kitchen faucet and it was upside down.


I see missiles being shot into the air.



I see an oval lamp.


I see a candle and it is lit. The whole candle seems to be glowing, even the wax part. It is totally radiating.


I see an oriental man sitting. He is sitting in the manner of Buddha, but he is not Buddha. I can't see his face, but he is a heavy set man.



I see a five pointed star with one of its legs missing.


Prophecy in tongues
Esau, Esau, Esau, Esau, Esau, Esau, Esau, Esau, Esau, Esau, Esau. (Non-understandable tongues?)

I heard a voice say, "The Ark is coming from the east. She is now rich. She is now rich." She is now rich. She is now rich. (Non-understandable tongues?)

She who is mine. She who is mine. She who is mine. Yes, she is mine. All is mine. Oh, Oh, Oh. (Non-understandable tongues?)

For miles. For miles. For miles. For miles. For miles. For miles. (Non-understandable tongues?)

Yes, for she is here (Non-understandable tongues?) And he took the whole branch over here with little shame. He is there. He is there and with the branch, and with the branch. He picked all of it. (Non-understandable tongues?)

Steam, steam. (Non-understandable tongue?)

Oh my. Oh my. Oh my. (Non-understandable tongues?)

She is... She is ready.. She is ready.. She is ready.. (Non-understandable tongues?)

Prophecy in Spanish.

Yes. Yes, it is here. It is here what I said to you in the manner of God. Count your fingers... Count your fingers on your hands, one by one, and that's the way it's going to happen to the days... the days, one by one.

Then there will only be one left and the last one is going to be made big. The last one is going to destroy everything. All of the world, all that is...

And he is going to think a lot of himself. He is going to think he is god. But I am going to hit him with My Hand like a house fly. For I am tired, and I am going to close the world with the Flames of Heaven, and to the point. Put it on your calendar for here comes the Flame of Heaven with the Force of the Father, with Force of the Son, with the Force of the Holy Spirit.

Carmanlita, Carmanlita, Carmanlita. For now the end has arrived. It has arrived, "The End," My sons and daughters.



393. Prophecy and Vision given to Raymond Aguilera on 14 January 1994 at 15:30.

Jak, Jak, (Non-understandable tongues?), Jak, Jak, (Non-understandable tongues?), Jak, Jak, (Non-understandable tongues?). She is there. She is there. She is there. (Non-understandable tongues?)

Esau, Esau, Esau has arrived. Esau has arrived. Esau has arrived. (Non-understandable tongues?) Esau, Esau, Esau, (Non-understandable tongues?)

Pick, pick, (Non-understandable tongues?), pick, (Non-understandable tongues?). She is there, those lips, those arms, all. She is there.

During prayer in tongues I had a vision of a five pointed star standing on one of the five points.


A vision of some pennies laid out like a spread deck of cards. The Lord told me to count them. I counted them one at a time and found the total to be ten pennies.


Prophecy in Spanish

It is ready My son, it is ready, the earthquake that's going to hit California. It is ready, with the Force of God, of Heaven, of the world, of the Stars, of the Father, of the Son, of the Holy Spirit. Yes, Reymundo it is ready, the earthquake that's going to hit with the Force of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.

Arm yourself, Arm yourself. It has started, the fighting of the world. It has started the war of the world. It has arrived (Non-understandable tongues?)

I see a windmill underwater.




525. Prophecy given to Raymond Aguilera on 9 August 1994.

You know what My son? The time of the moon has arrived. Yes, it has arrived with the flame of the devil. All of the moon, all of the devils have arrived when the moon is filled. Yes, the things of the demons are ready when the moon is full. The armor of the devil is strong, it is directed. It is directed at the throat of the Body of My Son in the manner of all that is filthy.

That's why I want the Body of My Son to gather with Force, with the armor, to make a line of Force with prayers for here comes the point of the devil. And I want the soldiers of My Son to gather and to pray with the Word of God. For the Holy Spirit is going to use them on the front line with the Word of My Son, with the Word of the Holy Spirit, with the Word of the Father. The war has arrived hand to hand, body to body, the date, in the day of August, when the moon is full. Yes, that's the day, when you have to point the spear direct and to the point, the Word of God, at the throat of the devil with Force, in the manner of God.

Read the Bible and throw the Words at the places, with the flame from Heaven, with the flame of all that is good. For My Son needs soldiers that have the Force, that have the Faith, that have all that is good from God, in the manner of God. They gather and they fight head to head with the dark spirits, but I want them to gather and to pray with the fever from Heaven. I want them to eat the Communion, and I want them to anoint themselves with oil, the oil from Heaven. And for them not to fear for My Son, with the Angels, are there with them with the Force of Force.

Yes, I tell you the things of Heaven. I tell you the manner of God arm yourself! Read in the Bible how it tells you, to arm yourself, with the Word, with the Force. Yes! Yes! Yes! The day of fighting has arrived, with the spirits, with the Word of God, with the Angels, with all that is good. Its has arrived, "The War!" at your town, at your house, at your body, at your spirit. Yes, it has arrived the nerve of the devil in the manner of the devil. You have to arm yourself. You have to make yourself strong. You have to seek My Son. You have to use the Bible with the Force of God. It has arrived, the fight, the war of what is good with what is bad.

Hurry! Get ready. We have to fight. It has arrived all that I have said to you, in the Bible, in the manner of God. I tell you the advice of Heaven. This is your Father with the Son, and the Holy Spirit. It has arrived. (Over)




540. Prophecy given to Raymond Aguilera on 30 Aug. 1994.

It is over there. It is over there. All I said to you, all the promises. It's over there. All the tears. It's over there. All the suffering. Yes, Reymundo! It's all ready, for the flame of the world is going to begin in August. The flame of the world is going to begin in August. For the bullet of the devil is going to hit to the point at the governments that have the mind of the devil.

The devil is going to start a war. The war, where he is going to want to take the land, from the ones that don't know how, to shoot, eat, or use the bullets that the United States gave them. Yes! The countries of the devil are going to want eat the country that has the armament of the United States. They don't know how to use the armor with fever, with brains. He is going to eat them, but he is going to shoot the bullet in August, and the country is going to fall fast and rapidly. For they never had the brains to use the armaments. For they only believed that the armories were toys, and the devil came and took it from them, in the day of the month of August. Yes My son! It has arrived the war of the devil in the month of August.

You have to send the Word. You have to tell the world to prepare itself, for here comes the devil with pointed teeth. All saints that want to hear, tell them all to prepare, with food, with prayers. For they are going to have to hide themselves. For the devil knows they cannot do a thing, unless they hide themselves. For the force of the devil is going to be at the maximum. Yes! I gave them the honey of the devil, it going to be the armor of the black people.

Yes! Look at, look at the black people. Yes! It has arrived the tears of the world. The filthy things of the devil have arrived. Gather your family and pray, and pray, and pray. They have to point their eyes, their ears, all the things of God. But I want them to seek a place so they can hide themselves in the day that everything stops. For there are the dogs looking for you with the fever of the pit. The End has started My sons and daughters. Open your eyes. Open you ears. This is the Word of your God, with the Son, with the Holy Spirit. This is the Father telling you the advice of Heaven, with a clean Mind, with the Mind of everything that is of Heaven.

I want the soldiers of My Son to pray and pray. For here comes the demons with the fever of the devil. Yes! Get ready soldiers of My Son. Get ready with the Fever of Heaven for My Son is going to use you. You are going to fight the war of what is good with what is evil, with the prayers of Heaven, with the Fever of Heaven. Don't worry for you have already won.

The Book is closing, page by page, book by book, all that I stated in the Bible. It isn't finished until everything that I said to you, all the Letters, all the Words, all that I told you that was going to happen, in years passed, years passed. For what I say is the truth and to the point. All that I have said is going to happen, and nothing, nothing, that's in the Bible is going to pass away until it is complete. For your God doesn't Lie.

The people that believe they know all. I am going to cry for them. For I Love them with My Heart, and I told them, and they didn't hear Me. They didn't hear a single Word that I told them. For they had their chest sticking out. For they believed they were as high as God. What a shame, My sons. So many days pass, and I Cry and I Cry, for My Sheep, the ones that have their eyes closed. The ones that have their ears closed. For they love more the world than the God that made all.

But the End has arrived, and you know and I know that what I say, is going to happen. For I am God, and I don't tell Lies, and the time of God is the time of God and the things of man cannot change the things of God if they are walking with the devil. They have left, they have left, they have left the things I wanted to save, My little Sheep. But if they don't want to hear Me, if they don't Love Me, I am going to turn My Back. For I read their hearts, the hearts of the sheep. All they have written on their hearts is devil, devil, devil, devil, devil, and world, world, world.

They don't have the Word of God, and they cannot come, for all of Heaven is clean. I tell them, and I tell them to repent, but they don't want to. That's why the bullet comes from the devil, to the country of the black people with the armaments of the United States in the day of August. It's going to be the day that you are going to recognize the good things and the evil things. You're going to be frightened with the force of the devil, the things of the devil, in the manner of the devil. For the devil is going to show you with his soldiers what he can do and how he can do it. For he doesn't care about anything. Just to kill, and break all that is good. Remember that I told you the date, in the countries of the black people. Yes! It has arrived the war of the devil. (over)




549. Prophecy given to Raymond Aguilera on 6 September 1994.

May, the month of May is going to be the day of the Fiesta. The Fiesta of October is going to happen in May. You think, what I am saying is funny? Put it on your calendar. The October Fiesta is going to be in May. All the things of the calendar are gong to change in the manner of the devil. For the calendar that you have now; isn't going to be.

Yes! The devil is going to change it, with the man that thinks he knows it all. He is going to choose names that he likes. He is going to choose: he is going to change; he is going to fool all the world, with the force of the devil. Don't say, that I didn't tell you. This is your Father, the One who knows all, the One who made all, with the Son, with the Holy Spirit, with the things of Heaven.

Yes! It has arrived the day of the calendar, with the date, with the finger of the devil. Here come the dark days, the days of the dead bodies. Yes! It has arrived in May. Yes! May, the month that's going to change its' name.

Don't say that I didn't tell you, the things of the days that are coming, with My Prophet Reymundo. This is your Father, the One who made all, with the Son, with the Holy Spirit. Remember here come the dark days in the calendar that you do not know, with the devil that you know very well.



593. Prophecy given to Raymond Aguilera on 28 September 1994

Yes! Look at the Missal. Read the Word of God. The Missal of the Month of October. Read the Word of your God of the Catholic Church. Read it!, in the Month of October. Read the Word of God.



611. Prophecy given to Raymond Aguilera on 19 October 1994 at 12:31 AM.

The Lord Said, "I am the All Mighty, God Jehovah. The ring will be pulled when the clock strikes three."



681. Prophecy, Vision, and Occurrence given to Raymond Aguilera 4. February 1995.


The night before the FGBMFI breakfast I couldn't sleep. I was awake until about 3 AM. praying about personal things. I asked the Lord to show me an answer to my prayers from the Bible, from the first thing that I would see when I opened it and that would be my answer. So I opened my new Bible and the Lord gave me the Book of John, Chapter 11 and that was all. After reading the chapter I fell asleep, but the next morning during worship at the Full Gospel Business Men's Fellowship International Breakfast the Lord give me this Prophecy.


"Find-------Fine! Read the Book of John Chapter 11 about the resurrection of Lazarus. Thy Body of My Son is dead and in Four days I will bring it back to life."

Then the Lord showed me this Vision:




741. Vision given to Raymond Aguilera on 3 June 1995 at 4:17 AM.

The Lord woke me up from a sound sleep and showed me the number 5. (over)


It's about 4:18 AM. in the morning and the birds are singing outside. Now one hour later they are still singing. I cannot understand why when I begin to pray and speak to the Lord, the birds start singing. I can hear them now, I don't know if the recorder is picking up the sounds. But they have been singing every night for months. I also noticed years ago that when my prayer partner and I would go into warfare prayer, we would pray loud and very direct in tongues that all the dogs in the neighborhood would bark. And when We would stop, the dogs would stop. It's very strange. I guess that's all. (over)



744. Prophecy and Vision given to Raymond Aguilera on 7 June 1995 at 6 AM.

The Lord woke me up from a sound sleep and showed me the head and face of Pastor D.S.


Then the Lord said, "When the Hammer strikes two."

I was left with an impression of time in the spirit. That's all. (over)

Note: After five years of absence, I returned several months ago to Pastor D.S single's bible study. Pastor D.S announced to the bible study on 20 June 1995 that he was leaving his position as Pastor at his church after 12 years of service. He told me that he made his decision on 11 June 1995. (over)



785. Vision:

Then the next image was of an apple being sliced with a butter knife into slices. One quarter of the apple was sliced into three pieces. (over)



804. Prophecy:

The Lord said, "Seven virgins."



805. Prophecy:

Approximately a half an hour later, the Lord said, "The seven churches."


Then I saw a white top hat. (over)


Then the Lord said to me, "Rest and buy some dog food for your dogs." (over)



812. Prophecy, Vision, and Occurrence given to Raymond Aguilera on 6 October 1995 at 8:30 PM.


During worship at the Full Gospel Business Men's Fellowship International I had a vision of nine figures surrounding Uncle Sam, the man with the top hat with the outfit of the American colors, and the nine figures knocked Uncle Sam down to the ground, and he stayed there.



851. Vision given to Raymond Aguilera on 18 January 1996.

The Lord showed me the number fifteen (15). Then I saw the number written: 15 yrs. My spiritual eyes saw the one and five of the number (15), but for some reason my focus was around the number 5 (the number 5 in the number 15). I really didn't understand, but there was something about the number "5", within the number 15. (over)



854. Prophecy given to Raymond Aguilera on 19 January 1996.

The Lord gave me the name of Shelly Rice. Then the month of February. (over)



927. Occurrence, Vision, and Prophecy given to Raymond Aguilera on 12 July 1996 at 6:15 PM.

My hands are hurting BADLY and I have been thinking of stopping this Christian walk for a little while, for there isn't enough money to keep it going anyway, and the attacks from the enemy are wearing me out; I was feeling sorry for myself again; when the Lord in His usual wisdom lead me to the Book of Proverbs. He guided me through as I read the end of chapter eight, and then He told me to place it in the Prophecy Book for the OTHERS TO READ.


The Lord gave me a vision of a cracked tree trunk. As I watched, I could see His Hands take this wide strap and wrap it around the broken trunk, and the cracked trunk came back to it's original position.


Then the Lord said, "Seven plus one." (over)



928. Prophecy given to Raymond Aguilera on 15 July 1996 at 10:30 AM. in English.

Vengeance is My Mine, I have told you many, many times; so eat the fruit of your evil. Many people of the earth think I am a big joke. We will see who will laugh last. The last Train will leave at 7 AM. Did you hear what I have said? "The last Train will leave at 7 AM." Then - We will see who is laughing. For the curse of Jehovah will hit your eyes when you least expect it.

And you, my little son, hang on, for I am going to send you help from the back lines. The brothers and sisters, that I am going to send to help you will be STRONG and DEDICATED! For you will begin to see and hear from the brothers, who have never been at war with evil spirits try to give you advice. Do not listen to them, for they think and they mean well, but they will only hurt you. I know the pain that you are going through, but hang on! For the end is to close to stop now! Did you hear Me, Reymundo? "WE ARE TO CLOSE TO STOP NOW!" Remember the Blood of Jesus Christ. For everything in the universe will go to the cross.

The Art of Living is Loving Jesus Christ, and going to the Cross. The Wheels on the last Train are being oiled now. The Body of Christ will be fully protected, but they will see much blood, to the right, to the left, behind, and the hardest in front. Never forget that Jehovah, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit, will ALWAYS be there. The planet will see the fruits of evil for the wickedness of the followers of Satan.

Remember the ground of Holiness is the ground that Jesus walks on, and the ground that His Holy Body on earth walks on. So be it. So be it. So be it, My little son. I hear your tears. Listen only to Us, for We are the only ONE who can help you. My beloved. (over)



933. Prophecy given to Raymond Aguilera on 23 July 1996 at 4:55 PM in English.

I am Jehovah: I am - I am - I am. I am Yahweh. I am Yahweh. I am Yahweh: I am - I am - I am. I am what you see; I am what you touch; I am what you want to be and many of you are trying to be - GOD. Many of you think highly of yourselves. We will see Who is the true God - Who is the Creator of the universe - Who is the Creator of what you see, of what you touch, of what you breathe. A bottle with a cork is standing before you. The cork will be removed very shortly; then we will see who is God. Remember the bottle; remember the cork; remember Who is Yahweh, Jehovah, the great I am - I am - I am. Remember the Train that leaves at seven o clock. So be it. So be it. The world will see God before their eyes. So be it. So be it. (over)



965. Vision given to Raymond Aguilera on 18 September 1996 at 4:10 PM.


A vision of a still wine glass full of some White liquid, but the liquid had turbulence. (over)


A vision of a whirlwind looking at it's on reflection in a mirror. (over)


A vision of a tall monument with four pools around it.


Then the Lord said: The four pools represent four invasions. The first will be fast and quick. The second will be to take control. The third one will be to organize. And the fourth one is to completely control the world with the power of Satan (the implementation of the power of devil.) Non-understandable tongues.




1115. Prophecy given to Raymond Aguilera on 7 October 1997.

The Lord said, "The wolf and the bear will clash in the month of November." (over)



1164. Vision given to Raymond Aguilera on 3 April 1998 at 10:00 AM.

During prayer the Lord gave me a vision of the planet earth. In this vision, I saw Seven Swords moving side by side digging or craving the surface of the planet.


Then I was shown a Wine Glass, and a tongue licking the Wine Glass. Then the Lord said, "There will come a day, when you will thirst for My Blood".


Then I saw a pair of large Cymbals hitting each other.


Then a Large Flood Light was turned on. (over)



1190. Prophecy given to Raymond Aguilera on 16 August 1998.

In rely to Bill Stoneham request for prayer about Australia.

The Lord said:

The powers that be will come from farther north than Indonesia. (over)

Then the Lord said:

"Beware of the crooked cross! For the crooked cross will dominate, will control what is righteous, what is of God. Remember the Ark will be placed at the appointed time. Jump on Ark if you want to save yourselves! For the hour and the time is rapidly approaching the beginning of the antichrist. For the world has not seen terror, for the world has not seen violence, for the world has not seen evil until the antichrist takes over. Remember these Truths and Righteous Words, the Words of Jehovah, the Words of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, the Words of the Holy Spirit!

For when the antichrist closes the trap will be the beginning of the end. Remember the Ark, remember the antichrist, remember the Ten Virgins. Remember the END IS BEFORE YOU - that the power and the vengeance of Satan will control, will liquidate, will dominate, will destroy the planet as you know it today. The envelope will seal on the 6th of December in the year that will be revealed as the false prophet predicts and establishes his position in the world and the domain of the evil territorial spirit of Satan. Remember My Words! Place them in your heart for the false prophet has the key to the abyss and that key he wears around his neck hanging over his heart."


I am, I am, I am, I am. (over)



1211. Prophecy given to Raymond Aguilera on 4 October 1998 at 8:20 PM.

My son, My son, My son, it has arrived, the clothes have arrived, My son. They have arrived the cold of the world, the cold of heaven. You are going to have to put on the clothes. The devil found a manner to hit people of South America. With his closed hand, he is going to hit them three times. Beginning on the day of the 1st. of March. It has started, the fight of the devils, the fight of men, who are very bad, that run the countries of South America. But here comes the day of the climate where everything is going to freeze. Yes, it has arrived! Get your clothes for it is going to be very cold in the days that are coming. The Tent of God is going to start on the day of August. Yes! Yes! Yes! (over)



1260. Vision given to Raymond Aguilera on 19 March 1999 at 2:30 AM.

The Lord gave me a vision of a English policeman’s dome hat (the kind that look like a metal army hat), but the top of the policeman’s hat was on fire. I could see high flames on this policeman’s hat.

Then the Lord said, "I am, I am, I am."


Then the Lord gave me a vision of some high ranking army official. He looked like some army officer from an Eastern block country for he had a large wide and high military looking hat. He also had many gold military metals on his collars and chest. He also had white hair. As he walked I was placed above him in the spirit and watched him as he moved through this open area in a town or city. The day was sunny and beautiful. I saw other soldiers walk by this military officer, I guess he is a very high official and important in the military by the way the other soldiers acknowledged him.

Then the Lord said, "This is the man who belongs to the nose that was cut off." (over)

Vision 8:00 AM.:

The Lord gave me the number 44 then the number 48. (over)


The Lord showed me the number 5. (over)

Vision 9:45 AM.:

The Lord showed me the sky. As I watched the sky it became very dark and very frightening. (over)

Vision 9:55 AM.:

Then the Lord gave me a vision of a rat. Then this knife came down and cut it’s head off. (over)

Vision 11:15 AM.:

The Lord gave me a vision of a tortoise shell. I could not see the tortoise’s head, feet or tail. (over)

Non-understandable Tongues:



1278. Prophecy given to Raymond Aguilera on 22 March 1999.

The Lord said, "Prostitute, prostitute, prostitute. The day of Hosea is here!" (over)


The number 5 represented days.


A vision of two people bonded together with ropes back-to-back, standing on top of a silver plated ball.



1291. Prophecy given to Raymond Aguilera on 27 March 1999 at 8:15 AM.

The clock has struck - the fall of Paris. The hour is here for the end of Paris. Mark My Words for I do not Lie. For Reymundo as anointed the Eiffel Tower at exactly 8 AM.. So the fall of Paris is sealed to the point. Remember My Words, "As the rain falls - so will Paris fall". This is Jehovah, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit. (over)



1298. Prophecy given to Raymond Aguilera on 29 March 1999.

Reymundo, all that was, all that is will change at 5 o’clock. All the world power will shift to the right - then shift to the left - then shift to the right - then shift to the left. Then all will change at 5 o’clock. (over)



1299. Prophecy given to Raymond Aguilera on 31 March 1999 at 12:20 PM.

Remember My little Lambs that I am going to place beacons or safe places around the world where you can go and hide. Places where you will find other brothers and sisters. There you can help each survive through the hard times. I cannot tell you when I will stop all the horror, but you will need to know that there are safe places around the world where you can go and be safe. You will see death and blood all around you. So be strong, be brave. Reymundo has just completed covering the land in the Western Europe and next he will go to Eastern Europe, so what will die and what will live has been set in that part of the world. But remember the safe places I will set-up around the world.

Here comes the End!

Here comes the End!

Here comes the End!

Praise you Father!

Praise you Father!

Praise you Father!

I am ready. Our Angels are ready. Thank you Father for showing the lambs the way to Heaven. This is Jesus, My Sheep, My Lambs make yourselves ready for My coming. For the hour is before you. It will come without warning. Like a thief in the night. You will need to be focused and Christ centered during these times.

Thank you Father.

Thank you Father.

Thank you Father.

For Our time has come to clean all the filth and sin. The sound blast of the sound will sound at 5 PM on the day of the big blast. When the moon will be full.

Praise you Father.

Praise you Father.

Praise you Father. (over)



1334. Vision given to Raymond Aguilera on 15 May 1999 12:20 AM.

During prayer the Lord showed me a wall clock. The clock is set at 10:10. I do not know if it is AM. or PM. (over)


The Lord gave me a vision of ancient Roman soldier’s helmet. (over)



1363. Vision given to Raymond Aguilera on 22 July 1999 at 1:55 AM.

During prayer the Lord gave me a vision of a little red haired girl that I saw at the Western Wall. She was about three or four years old. She was playing with a little boy - actually they were playing in an area which was restricted for only men. Well, at first I saw the little red haired girl as she looked today. Then as I watched this little girl, she grew-up before my eyes in the spirit. She became this beautiful young woman, perhaps between the age of 18 and 24 years.


Then the Lord said, "Nothing is going to happen until this little girl grows-up!"


I do not understand what is supposed to happen when this little girl grows up. That's all. (over)


Then without warning the Lord said, "I am going to kill someone!"



1369. Occurrence given to Raymond Aguilera on 23 July 1999 at 1:30 PM.

During this time we were driving north trying to Anoint the areas on the 30 miles perimeter. Here are some of the Words and Visions the Lord gave me.

Vision at 1:30 PM.: I had a vision of the number 9.

Prophecy at 1:50 PM.:

"The war in heaven is getting heavier." "Keep moving!" Then the Lord said that we were getting lost because of the intensity of the war in heaven.

Prophecy at 2 PM.: Then the Lord instructed us to Anoint the car the next time we stopped. And to Anoint all four corners of the car.

At 2:10 PM.: We Anointed the town of Petah Tiqwa at a park in the South East part of town 9 Km. from the turn onto Route 40. Then the Lord said,

"You have gone far enough, you can look for something to eat."

So we drove into the West Bank looking for a restaurant in an Arab town. And the Lord said, "Do you want to eat with goats?"

So we left the Arab town and looked for an Israel restaurant outside the West Bank. We found this swimming pool and small restaurant on the Israel side and we ate there. I might say, that day was very hot and getting some cold water to drink felt great! Then the Lord said that we were finished for the day and to go home.



1380. Vision given to Raymond Aguilera on 29 July 1999 at 7:40 PM.



I saw a vision of a six-engine rocket blasting off. And a vision of rocket engines placed in a triangular form and they blasted upwards. (over)


A vision of an open safety pin at an 90 degree angle. (over)


I saw a vision of 7 eggs hatching open. (over)


The Lord showed me a vision of a very tall woman as she walked down the steps. Then the Lord showed me a section of the Jewish or Muslim parts of Israel. Then I saw a woman with an elephant's head with two trunks. (over)



1386. Vision given to Raymond Aguilera on 31 July 1999.

I saw a lit lamp hanging from a building


Then the Lord said, "Look at the light, look at the light".


I saw an enormous spoon, bigger than our room. Then something demonic climbed on the edge of the spoon and tried to eat or drink the contents of the spoon. Then the spoon was shoved into the mouth of the skull on Skull Mountain (The place where Jesus Christ was crucified).


Then the Lord said, "Come!"


Then I saw some circumference calipers drawing on the map of Israel and Jordan. I could see them make a circle and go over the area we had covered and some kind of dome went up over this circle. Then I saw a man and a woman dancing gracefully over this platform. It reminded me of Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers, dancing in one of their movies in modern dress. I led to believe it was Jesus Christ and His Bride. In this area where Jesus Christ and His Bride were dancing, I also saw a carousel with many people on it.


Then I saw this large spoon come down and it bent into 90 degree. I could see it go into a big ball of light. I sensed it was the Father, but I do not really know.


I saw a river, and in the middle of this river, I saw a reflector or barrier appear in the middle of the river and this stopped the flow of the water.


Then I saw the head of a horse. This gray-tan colored horse had a white colored forehead, between the eyes and ears down to the nose. This horse was like the horse in the Book of Revelation.


I saw an eagle flying towards me - its head and mouth were visible and within its mouth was a big, long solid black log. It flew over this vast chasm without any bottom, and it dropped the black log into the pit.


I kept sensing an earthquake so I began to pray about it.


I saw a normal gray post at 80-degree angle, with another pole bracing it. This vision looked like the gray post was falling down and another post was placed at a support angel to stop it from falling.


I saw a symbol of the number "four", (with an opened top). Then, this number "four" turned into an anchor, the symbol that was above the Garden Tomb. This Garden Tomb is outside the Old City of Jerusalem. The Garden Tomb tour guide said this was a symbol carried into the tombs by the followers of Christ.


Then later the Lord said the word, "Assed", and then the word "push, push".



1398. Vision given to Raymond Aguilera on 7 August 1999 at 5:40 PM.

During my Bible reading time, the Lord showed me a gate, which had a padlock.


Then I was given a vision of a tank, in the shape of an air compressor tank. It rammed a wall and made a hole in it. (over)

Prophecy at 6:15 PM:

The Lord said, "The bars are still on the church!" (over)

Prophecy at 6:30 PM:

The Lord gave me the number 11. (over)



1404. Vision given to Raymond Aguilera on 9 August 1999 at 9:20 AM.

During prayer, the Lord gave me the number, "33".


Then the Lord gave a vision of a man. He was chained and banded with some sort of metal band around his shoulders. The metal band looked like this large two-man hand saw that was used to cut down large trees. Then the Lord said that the vision represented man in bondage.


Then I had a vision of the Eiffel Tower. I could only see it from a distance and I could see something going around the midway of it. It looked like particles of metal or some kind of thorn looking things. Then the Eiffel Tower was raised off the ground about 30 feet up. I could also see that the background was glittery with all kinds of colors.


Then I saw a vision of some headphones. (over)



1454. Prophecy given to Raymond Aguilera on 16 February 2000 at 7:36 PM.

The Lord gave me one Word, and He repeated it 86 times, the Word was Seed (Seed, Seed…).

The Lord kept saying it over and over, and I asked the Lord how many times He had said it, and He said, 86 times.


Then the Lord gave me a vision of a flatbed truck, with one of those large rolls of hay or alfalfa on the flatbed truck. The roll was placed behind the driver's cab or in front of the truck bed. As I watched this large alfalfa roll, it began to unroll, and left a blanket of alfalfa extending from the back of the truck onto the ground, and unrolled as far as the eye could see. This unrolled alfalfa seemed to have no end (it unrolled, and never ran out of alfalfa). (over)


Then the next vision was of an army tank, with a moving cannon, and the cannon began to get red at the base, as it moved from right to the left.


I saw a vision of two smoke stacks, the kind you see on ships. The one behind almost got knocked off, but something put it back in place.



1460. Vision given to Raymond Aguilera on 17 February 2000.

During prayer I saw a peeled banana lying on its side.


Then a vision of a top hat. On one side of the top hat there was the number 3.

Then I saw a white ball rolling down the cliffs of Dover, in England. The ball was or looked like a rock.



1534. Vision given to Raymond Aguilera 14 July 2000.

Now we were on our way to Lima, Peru and the Lord gave me a vision.


I saw a round ball, like a balloon with a skin made of ice. Then an ice pick came from the top and stabbed down at it and it exploded.

Occurrence at 4 PM:

We were walking in Mira Flores district of Lima, Peru. During this walk the Lord again impressed my spirit to Anoint the Good Shepherd Episcopal Church, which was on our way to the sandwich shop where we were going to eat. So on the way back from a sandwich shop we Anointed it.

4:30 PM.

Back at our hotel I had a bad headache, so we prayed about the Anointing and my headache.

Then the Lord said, “It is done” (This was regarding the Anointing of Lima, Peru).


Then I had a vision of a red brick wall, which I saw collapsed as we prayed.


Then I saw a Lion’s head – it opened its mouth and a white rush of light came out. It was very forceful.


Then I saw the number “3”.

Vision: 8:30 PM

Then I saw a round fish.


Then the round fish changed into a swordfish.

I sensed in the spirit something about the Sword of the Spirit.

When we prayed regarding the total Peru Mission Trip.

The Lord said, “It is finished”.



1540. Occurrence given to Raymond Aguilera on 17 July 2000 at 8 PM

We arrived in Caracas, Venezuela and we prayed to the Lord if the Savoy Hotel was a good choice? Then the Lord gave me a vision of a backwards 7.

Then the Lord said, “X marks the spot.”

Then later that night the Lord said, “Seed, seed, seed, seed, seed”

Vision 10:45 PM in Caracas.

The Lord showed me a circulating fan (desktop style) – the blades were moving around.


Then the Lord showed me the end of a skeleton key (the part that opens the door)



1558. Prophecy given to Raymond Aguilera on 25 October 2000 at 8:45 AM.

(Non-understandable tongues)

The hammer will strike the anvil at three and mark My Words! The hammer will strike the anvil at three. Push the button, they will say, "Push the button, they will say. Now is the time to push the button. Vengeance is mine! Vengeance is mine! Vengeance is mine! Push the button! Push the button!"

All will come down. All will be in ruins. "Push the button! Push the button!" That's the way it will be when Paris will fall. "Push the button!" Paris and it's people will be destroyed, for the madman has total control of the button. Mark My Words, place it on your calendar - the day that the button is pushed will start the beginning of the end. It will become a day of mourning, a day of evil, a day of celebration, a day of the end. For what I stated will come to be, exactly at three o'clock. For the hour and the day will manifest the beginning of the end, on the day of the storm, when the lighting will strike, when the wind will blow, when the finger will push the button. Remember My Words, the button is there, the finger is there, the evil is there. The end is there. So saith Jehovah with the Power of My Word. The day has come. (over)



1570. Visions given to Raymond Aguilera on 5 January 2001 at 9:02 PM.


Earth with candle on top of it.



Dark angels flying in the sky, they looked like a swarm of locust.


Two coins on edge touching each other at a 90 degrees.



The Lord showed me the top of a military tank with two cannons on top of each other.



The Lord showed me the word, "March".



1572. Prophecy given to Raymond Aguilera on 7 January 2001 at 3:31 PM.

Asco (Spanish word meaning: disgusting, revulsion, revolting), asco, it gives Me asco, the things of the World. It gives Me asco.


I saw a vision of a nuclear explosion.



The Lord said the number 5.


Vision of a white mailbox with the door opening and closing.




1574. Prophecy and Occurrence given to Raymond Aguilera on 14 January 2001 at 8

The Lord gave me the number 2.

Occurrence and Dream:

I have had a very strange week! My dreams have been very vivid, and it is almost like I have been to the movies. In last night's dream, I went to the movies and the tickets that were used were about the size of a regular theater ticket except they were made of plastic and they were reusable. I believe the actual movie was on the ticket.

In this dream I remembered being in the theater and watching this Christian movie. Most of the theater was empty except for Mark who sat a few rows behind me and to the left. Then he left for some reason and I found some more plastic tickets in my pocket, so I watched another film and then I left for home. When I got home (a place I had never seen before) I noticed that I was younger and slimmer, and I had a lot of dark hair. My family was there, but I had never seen them before. I remember I had to go to school and I had to take some people in the house with me.

Well, I went to the bathroom to comb my full head of dark hair. And as I began to comb it, I noticed that all the hair came off with the first pass of my comb. I could not believe I had lost so much hair without any pain. It had left a wide area down the middle of my head without hair, almost as wide as I have now. I went back into the living room with a hand full of hair and told my family, but it did not seem to bother them in the slightest. Well, I went back into the bathroom to look at myself and finish combing my half-bald head. As I combed my hair from one side up and over the bald area. I noticed that the hair covered the whole bald area. This was very strange indeed for it looked like I had a full head of hair again. I was startled and I took another look at my face. Then, this time my head looked bald because my hair was cut very close the skin. This frightened me and I looked again, and to my surprise I was still young looking with a full head of dark hair again.

This having hair then not having hair was so real that it woke me up, and then the Lord gave me the number two. This made me remember that a few days ago the Lord had given me the number 5. I am bewildered right now, and I am trying to figure out what the Lord is saying or doing with me. At first, I thought the number two meant my finances. For this ministry is broke and it has been this way for some time. Saturday I received a $2000 property tax bill, which I did not pay the first or the second half of last year's taxes. I am several months behind in paying for the web sites and our water is going to be turned off in 48 hours, for the lack of payment. But the Presence of the Lord has been so strong lately, So I am not too worried.

I sense the Lord trying to show me something about my personal history, the world's future or the Christian Body's future. Maybe all of the above. I just cannot understand what He is trying to say. He has made me watch many history programs on television lately, from dinosaurs, wars, and weather changes, to politics. I am at a lost at just what it is He is trying to say. I can strongly sense something going on in the Spirit, but I do not understanding Him. I read in the Internet that another earthquake hit Central America that was felt all the way up to Mexico. I also heard a news program yesterday, that the climate of the world is warming up. All that I can say is - this has been a very strange week.


Then the Lord gave me a vision of the handle of a gasoline pump.



Then the Lord said, "When the oil stops!"


Then the Lord gave me a vision of a floor trap door and the Lord said, "The trap is ready!"



Then the Lord gave me a vision of a Lion.




1582. Vision given to Raymond Aguilera on 30 January 2001 at 8 AM.

The Lord gave me a vision of a bright White Light reflecting on a calm ocean. Then I saw a White Light move across the landscape and over cities. Then the Lord showed me the number "4". (over)



1597. Prophecy given to Raymond Aguilera on 19 February 2001 at 9:45 AM.


I saw a person sinning.


Yes, yes, My Reymundo. What you saw was correct! That was the devil's spirit entering that person, and the number you saw was the devil's mark.

That person lost their salvation at that point. Some people believe once saved always saved. But that is just not the truth. People have to truly repent or their salvation is lost. Remember, I can read the inter heart. I can tell - when the person is not sincere, when they say they are sorry. Complete repentance is what is needed after sin. Many people believe they can say they are sorry, and that's all there is to it. These people are only fooling themselves. For My Eyes and Ears see and hear only the truth. So people keep sinning - and see where you will find yourself at judgement. Remember hell or heaven - which will it be - you evil doers.

Being good is not enough to get you into heaven. Are not non-believers good to each other and they are not going to heaven. Good is following the Law of God. That is - what is GOOD, and that leads you to salvation.



1651. Visions given to Raymond Aguilera on 6 October 2001 at 8:20 PM.

I am going to list four visions that I received a week earlier first, then the visions of October 6, 2001.


During prayer the Lord showed me a vision of His Right Hand or Arm. I could see His Arm horizontally and an iron spike was driven into it.

Vision: (next day)

The Lord showed me a long White Fence that went far off into the distance. As I looked at this Fence I saw some kind of creature with his back touching the White Fence. This creature had the head of a goat with a man's body. I could see that he was somehow hooked onto the Fence by his neck, for he could not pull himself off the Fence. (over)

Vision: (next day)

This time I saw the Lord's Left Hand or Arm and another spike was driven into the Arm.

Vision: (next day)

On this day the Lord showed me a sand hourglass. As I watched the hourglass I could see a pencil or writing pen writing something all the way around the very small section where the two glass cone sections meet. (over)

Vision: 6 October 2001

During prayer with Ron Viessman and Eva the Lord showed me the following visions.


The Lord showed me a small tree without leaves. The trunk was very thin, about 2 inches in diameter and the whole tree stood about 5 feet tall. This small tree only had three branches on top of it. I could see that all the three branches went straight up and at the section where they met the small trunk there was a ball in-between the three branches. As I watched this small tree I saw the three branches come down around the ball and squeezed it until the ball popped.


Then the Lord showed me a sitting African giraffe.


Then the Lord showed me an army tank without a cannon.


Then I saw a large looking egg shape about four to five feet high. This egg shape was pointing down on the surface of a lake or pond. This egg was red-orange in color and it looked alive for it looked like it had blood vessels or veins on it. As I watched, I saw a pair of large Hands come out of the water and they pushed the egg under the waterline.


Then the Lord said to me, "Take a HOT shower- now!"

So I got up and left Ron and Eva praying and went upstairs and took a hot shower and came back downstairs and proceeded to pray with them.

Prophecy: (This prophecy was not directed towards me.)

"I will blow the seven winds and they will make you sick", saith the Lord. "All the glasses will break" (over)



1682. Vision given to Raymond Aguilera on 26 June 2002.

During prayer with a few people from this prophecy ministry, the Lord showed me an earthquake or a large explosion. I could see room furniture moving from side to side, and up and down with a great force.

This was a shocking vision and left a strong impression on my spirit. So I shared with the others how I had never forgotten the prophecy, where the Lord instructed me to inform the churches and the newspapers about this earthquake that was going to hit California. I told them how over the years we had mailed these prophecies to churches and how we had just finished with the three months of Television Prophecy Ads. These TV Ads led people from the San Francisco Bay Area to the prophecy.org web site, but the Southern California area was left untouched by this TV Ad. I also told them I have been sensing in my spirit to place the Prophecy Television Ads in Southern California, and if I did this, it might be the completion of my instructions from the Lord for Prophecy 158.

So we decided to pray some more and Ron prayed for instructions if we should place the Television Ads in Southern California. During this prayer shock waves went through my body for the Lord said, "Do it!"

Then a little later the Lord said, "Seven years".

I do not know if the Seven years has anything to do with an earthquake or these TV Ads. But I know these TV Ads are going to be very expensive, but the Lord provided the money for the Television Ads in Northern California, so I see no problem with placing the Television Ads in Southern California. I just have to wait on the Lord to provide the funds for it. (over)

<Prophecy 158>



1686. Prophecy given to Raymond Aguilera on 4 August 2002 at 6:26 AM in English.

Good morning, Reymundo, the devil is poaching. The devil is poaching My sacred Sheep, My Lambs. He is maneuvering the good ones into a stock pen and then will begin the slaughter, the slaughter of My Lambs, My Sheep. What a shame! What a shame! What is so sad; My Sheep, My Lambs are volunteering - are willingly following him into this pen. They are being led by a wolf in sheep's clothing. There are many wolves in sheep's clothing filling up this pen. The hammer will hit the anvil at 6 o'clock and the beginning of the end of My Scared Lambs will begin. Because they followed the devil using the Word of God. Many think that they are rich, many think that they are blessed, but many will find themselves between the anvil and the hammer.

My Prophets, My Saints, tell them and tell them My Word that they are on the path of destruction, but they have so much pride, so much ego, they follow the devil to the pit. It hurts My Heart to loose one, but they volunteered to follow the devil. Those who follow the devil go with the devil to the pit. So saith Jehovah, so saith Jesus Christ, so saith the Holy Spirit.

The devil knows the Word of God. He knows how to use it to his advantage. He will pick and choose scripture to fill up his pen full of My Sheep. The sheep that are blind, the sheep who are looking for wealth using the Word of God. They don't read the Bible clearly. They pick and choose, they hop around the Bible just to hear words that tickle their ears. They don't hear or read the Wrath of God, the Vengeance of God, the discipline of God. They want the easy road. They do not want to carry their cross through the narrow gates. They want the high road, the wide road, the easy road. They are singing, they are dancing, they are praising Jesus Christ of Nazareth as they follow the devil to this large pen, waiting for the anvil and the hammer. If that is what they want, if that is where their heart is; I am going to release them to follow their master with sheep's clothing.

You have to be very careful in the coming days, in the coming years because what sounds right might be the words of the devil. Tickling one's ear with the Word of God is going to be the end thing. But that is the way it is stated in the Bible - in the end times people are going to want their ears tickled. Faith without works is dead. So be it! So be it! So be it!

I'll Love them and I'll Love them to the very end, but you need to have a commitment to Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit, and Me, the Father, Jehovah - with the Innocence of a Lamb, but with the Heart of all that is righteous, all that is pure, all that is innocent. With the true Word of God, I don't know how many times I can tell you to read the Bible from beginning to end. To seek Me with a clean heart, clean mind, clean spirit, and I will save you. But you cannot play games with yourself. You have to be honest with yourself, and you have to be honest with Me. Then you can see the miracles of God, the Love Tears of My Presence, the Joy, the Peace that comes with following Jesus Christ of Nazareth. Because if you stand on the Rock nothing will move you if you are real with Me in your heart.

Be careful My Children, money will not save you in Heaven, things will not save you in Heaven. These are some Words of wisdom from your Father, Jehovah, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit. Beware, be wise, be brave, for you are facing the end. So be it! So be it! So be it! (over)



1717. Prophecy given to Raymond Aguilera on 21 January 2003 at 7 am.

1717-8. Prophecy given to Raymond Aguilera on 23 of January, 2003 at 10:30 PM


The Hammer will hit the Sickle at six o’clock. Then the Bomb will go off. Remember the Hammer, remember the Sickle, remember the dead, remember your Father in Heaven, remember Jesus Christ of Nazareth, remember the Holy Spirit. Come, come ye o faithful Children of God. The Day is coming; it is before your eyes. Read the Bible, pray and pray and pray until you can not speak or walk. For the calamities of the world are at hand and only those that are at the watchtower, those that have the oil for their lamps will be saved. Many will be called, but only a few will be chosen. The power of the Hammer will be heavy, the Sickle is sharp. The reaping will begin at six o’clock when the Bomb goes off. The tears will flow like rivers. Remember: If you belong to Me, you are under My Wings, under My Protection.




1735. Prophecy given to Raymond Aguilera on 13 April 2003 at 12:40 PM



Yes, Yes, Yes. The French think they are so smart, so clever. They believe they can jump from side to side, jump through hoops to get what they want. Beware Frenchmen, beware! The eye of the devil is upon you, beware! He will slap you with the back of his hand six or seven times, beware! You are not as clever as you think you are, beware, beware. You are not fooling anyone, but yourselves. For what is right is right. For what is wrong is wrong. The Pendulum swings from right to left, maybe in your case it will stop and fall on top of your head because you underestimated, you played with the devil and the point of his Pendulum stuck on top of your head.

Remember, your country isn't following the ways of God. It has pride. It has ego. Those who play with the devil will live with the devil. Remember the Word of God. Focus on your Father Jehovah, Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit if you want to save yourselves. For the games you are playing are not clever, are not smart. The laugh will be upon you for you are doing foolish things, playing foolish games. Remember the back of the hand of the devil is swift, pointed, and it hurts. So saith Jehovah. So saith Jesus Christ. So saith the Holy Spirit.



1738. Prophecy given to Raymond Aguilera on 1 May 2003 at 6:25 PM

During prayer the Lord said five or sixty times, "The Eyes of March!"



1755. Vision given to Raymond Aguilera on 29 September 2003

The Lord gave me the number 6 then 5 and then 2.

Then later the number 2 and then the number 7.

Note: I do not know if one should read them as 652 and 27 or as individual numbers.



1756. Vision given to Raymond Aguilera on 30 September 2003

The Lord gave me a vision of four cheese blocks and the number 777.



1785. Prophecy and Visions given to Raymond on 2 August 2004 at 4:50 PM

Vision 7 July 2004:

I saw a lit White Candle, then a large capital C appeared before it.

Vision 2 August 2004:

I see a hard dry puddle of White Wax. As I watched the Wax melted and formed a standing lit White Candle.


I see a Head of a Lamb.


Now I see a small horse saddle of some sort.


I see a golf club and golf ball.


I see the number 6, but I sense it is and upside down 9.


I see the letter F or it is a gun in the shape of the letter F. The image seems to be interchanging.


I see two U shaped wires bonded together to this block. As I watched this vision I noticed a hole developing in the block between the U shaped wires.



I saw the rear end of a large passenger Jet plane from the bottom up.


I am what you see. I am what you touch. I am everything.

The hammer and the anvil will ring a sound that will resonate around the world.

The Horse will find the saddle.

The dog will find the meat.

Everything has its course – everything has its timing.

When the clock strikes twelve - Paris will blow its top. The Eiffel Tower will be no more.

The hounds will chase the hare.

The Hare will run in its hole.

The flame will cover the ground. The wild fire will go where it pleases, but the hare will be safe in its hole.

The march will begin when the disc is thrown.

The piercing arrow will strike its target.

Remember the hounds and the hare.

Remember the horseless rider.

The violence the evilness is before you.

The donkey is useless but the elephant is fair.

Remember the coming of the Lord is before you.

You cannot run. You cannot hide.

The Peace of Peace is the Lord Jesus Christ of Nazareth.

The death of many are in the hands of Allah.

Everything will run it’s course and everything will follow a plan.

Evilness breeds evilness.

The course is rough – the course is smooth.

You can apply the brakes, but the brakes will not stop the evil of this world.

The Power of Jesus Christ of Nazareth is before you. The Power of the Holy Spirit is before you. The Eyes of Jehovah see ALL.

Remember, the piercing arrow will come.

The fall of France is before you. Evil that breeds evil is evil. (over)



1815. Occurrence given to Raymond Aguilera on 8 March 2005

I do not understand why I am posting this, but the Lord wants me to. Eva, Jason, Nathan and I were going to bed, and the Lord said the number “four” (4).

I said to Eva, “The Lord just gave me the number 4. I wonder what it means!”

She commented something and we went to bed. Then two days later, while driving, I remembered the Lord giving me the number 4, and I said to myself again, “I wonder what it means.”

Then the Lord said, “In four days it is going to be your birthday.”

Now today it is the 12th of March, my birthday, and I am working outside by myself, trying to finish this Anointing/brick laying job, and wondering - why did the Lord give the number four in the first place? I will never understand why the Lord does certain things.



1941. Occurrence given to Raymond Aguilera on 11 May 2009 at 9:10 AM

During my morning prayer the Spirit of the Lord came upon me with a Mighty Force and this is what the Lord said and showed me.


I saw the sun was being blocked out, and the sky became dark. I believe this was all over the world.

Then I heard the Word: “War!”

Then I heard the Words: “The Sky is falling.”


Then I saw two nuclear explosions.

The Lord said:



Then I saw two gears, each pulling a chain side by side.

The Lord said:

“You are My Elder, yes, you are My Elder. Tell the world these things are coming.”


I saw a Three Blade propeller from a ship or boat.

The Lord said:

“Remember Nebuchadnezzar. Tell the world My Reymundo. Ring the Bell. Ring the Bell. Ring the Bell.

The Lord said:

“The number twelve (12)

I am I am I am. (over)



1994. Prophecy given to Raymond Aguilera on 11 June 2010 at 2:30 AM

The Lord woke me up and said: “Everything is oiled in Paris, the milk is found, the cow has found its milk. The cow has found its milk.” (Over)

Another saying the Lord said, “The Lord said has anyone ever seen or heard of a Jewish Muhammad.”

The Goat and the Ram will butt heads repeatedly until the blood comes gushing out. The river of blood will flow. The storm will prevail for the number seven. Then the cow will look for its milk. Many will suffer, many will die and the river will flow.



2040. Vision given to Raymond Aguilera on 6 March 2011 at 10 AM

During prayer the Lord said, “I am, I am, I am mi hijo. I am, I am, I am mi hijo. I am, I am, I am mi hijo…” The Lord must have repeated this about one hundred times. Then the Lord gave me the following vision, and then He repeated “I am, I am, I am mi hijo,” many times again.

On top of the Greek letter Sigma (the 18thletter of the Greek alphabet), which is a symbol for sum; summation, or the sigma particle, there was the number one with an arrow pointing to the infinity symbol with the plus symbol next to it.




2048. Occurrence given to Raymond Aguilera on 3 July 2011 at 9:24 AM

I awoke late this morning, and when I opened my eyes I could see in the Spirit billions and billions of stars in the night sky. They looked so beautiful. It seemed to me like I was blinking my eyes in the spirit, because the stars disappeared and reappeared a few times. 

The first time I blinked I saw the word "July" with no year in this darkness of space.


Then the stars reappeared.

The next time the stars disappeared I saw the word, "August" appear in the darkness.


The stars disappeared again, but I do not remember if the word "September" appeared. The stars reappeared again and I saw some sort of line of light appear across the dark space among the stars. It reminded me of lighting, but it was very large, moving  billions of miles across the darkness of space.


I saw the darkness of space again, but now half of the stars were gone.


Then again I saw the darkness of space, with another half of the stars gone.

Once again I saw the darkness of space, but this time the billions of stars were all gone and did not reappear.


I asked the Lord, "Where did the stars go?"

The Lord said, "They went the way of Roy Rodgers. The ponderous of the evidence is clear and if you obey you will survive."

Then I saw an image of a coiled snake.


Then I saw an image of the face of Jesus Christ wearing a crown of thorns.