Thomas Gibson – Financial Crisis


1997 04 06.1

The word of God is that you MUST be prepared for a financial crisis in the world. This will not be limited to certain areas of the world, but the whole earth! Look and listen to the word of the Lord God in this hour. It is for your edification. Those who look to the Holy Spirit for their guidance in preparing for this time, will walk through this in power and grace of the Lord. Those who walk in their own understanding will fall at this occurrence.


1997 11 16.1

Hear the Word of the Lord. Hear it. Listen, learn, and follow what the Lord reveals to His servants.

Coming is the time, near is the time, and soon shall be when the economy shall completely collapse. It will not come totally at once. First there'll be some problems, then there'll be a crash, and so forth.

But don't expect you to live through this without My power. It is coming, because I have stated it, as I have willed it. Do not pray against it. Pray for it. For those who base their finances on the kingdom of this world: they shall fall, and fall big time.

Many of My people: they have not sought the things of the spiritual things, the things of the spiritual items that I can give, but they have rather sought, rather they have much sought the will of man and they will fall with it.

If they would seek the things of God, I would prepare a way where they would go through this with every single need met, but they will not do that. Their hearts are not turned toward Me, but rather they are turned toward the finances of this world. It is because of that, that they will fall with this crash.

So listen and obey. Learn the word of God. Learn it. Learn it. Learn to obey the Word. Listen to it carefully.

Listen, there is a time coming when everything in this world will not work the way it has. Everything!

Slowly, but surely, every part of this earth will be judged by Me. And those who have put their faith in the things of the earth will fall with the things of the earth. But those who have put their faith in Me, says the Lord, they will rise above it. They shall be a shelter in the time of storm, even for others. And they will walk, and they will not be bothered by it. So what if there is rubble to the left and rubble to the right, they will walk on the straight and narrow of the Word of the living God.


1998 03 17.1

There is prophecy of judgment, and this prophecy of judgment shall come to pass.

First I shall bring about a strong judgment of the fall of this nation's economy, and after this will come the judgment of the fall of technology, says the Lord God.


1998 05 17.1

Late in the evening when I had gone to bed, just as I closed my eyes, but was still awake, I saw a bright flash, and the sound of a popping light bulb (as when it bursts).

The Lord then said, "That's how quickly the economy will fall."


1998 07 05.1

This is the circumstances to which this world is now heading. It will lose control of its societies as it heads in to the greatest economic collapse that will befall mankind.

This collapse shall come fairly quickly, and as it comes people will stop obeying the law, because it is no longer convenient for them. As they become economically deprived they shall turn to illegal activities in greater and greater numbers, till authorities cannot control it in any way.


1998 11 14.3

There is a time coming when the United States shall fall a greater fall than what you shall soon see. What you shall soon see, is the economic fall. But there is much more coming than just that fall.

Many things shall come to pass. And each one will take the United States down another notch—more and more. And as these things come to pass, remember, the nation that sins before Me, says the Lord, is a nation that shall fall.

A nation that repents before Me, says the Lord, is a nation I will rebuild!


1998 12 02.1

Now thus says the Lord to those who believe they are headed for the kingdom.

Beware. Have you listened to My word? Have I not prepared My people? Have I not told them of things to come? Yet you stand on the verge of the greatest destruction of the economy of this earth.

This world shall not see an economy like it has now, ever again. I shall bring it down, and I shall keep it there. For they shall try and raise it up, but I shall not allow it.

Trust Me, says the Lord. When the great crash occurs, it shall come down.

Have I not for years sent prophets, prophesying that you are to pay off your debts and not borrow? Have I not done so for years? Yet My people claim to believe this, yet they turn around and borrow, and borrow, and borrow. They dig themselves a hole of debt, and yet they claim to believe My prophets.

Hear Me. Those who walk with Me follow My word, and My direction—I will prepare a way for them. No matter how it is done I will do it.

But those who seek to fill their hearts with the things of this earth, so that they may have money and goods to make themselves proud and boastful in their hearts, those people shall fall. I shall bring them down, says the Lord, and I shall bring them down hard!

You hear the word. You stand on the verge of the greatest economic collapse in the history of mankind.


1999 02 13.2

The Lord gave me the following revelation concerning the upcoming economic crash on the afternoon of February 13, 1999.

1. The Crash:

The crash will come soon. It will be a time of great disparity of mankind. From this time on there will be no turning back. Turmoil and trouble will come to all those who will not put their complete faith in God.

2. The Continuing Attempts to Put Things Right:

These will result in much hope and thinking that things will straighten out in a short time.

At the beginning there will be an acceptance of the markets coming back. This will lead to a short term rising of the markets in a significant way. But only for a short time. Again it will crash and this time it will stay quite low. No attempts from this time forward will bring markets back to any significant degree.

3. Violence:

Violence will become so bad that people will seek to leave the larger cities to take up residence in the country at almost any cost. This will mainly be available to those who still have some money left to them.

Police and authorities will not be able to keep things under control.

The streets of many large cities will become a struggle of power for many gangs. Police will settle for keeping gangs from tying up too much police manpower in keeping the gang wars to a minimum.

Violence shall come to all areas. While cities and larger areas will be worse, it will be bad everywhere on the North American continent.

4. The Settling In:

So many different disasters will be taking place that thought of bringing the market back will disappear over time and people will just accept the fact that times are bad.



1999 08 14.1

I saw before me the price of a food at $5.69. This was crossed out and underneath was written the price .21 cents.

After I woke up, the Lord said to me: prices are going to drop dramatically, for the people can't afford to buy things—otherwise they won't move their product.


1999 08 20.1

My people, My people, who are you, that you are so in love with money—with the things of this earth. Who are you that you love the ways of the devil! You love the money, you love the cars, you love the houses, you love the rich life.

But there's coming a day, that is almost upon you, when it shall be taken away. And what is left will be minimal.

Those who have their hearts on the things of this earth, are going to lose it. Those of My people who especially know the truth, yet love the world, they shall fall hard!

There are days coming, soon to be upon you, when you shall see the crash of the entire economy. When it comes, do not be alarmed. Do not go out in trying to save your goods which you have so hoarded up.

For treasure that is built upon the firm foundation of the Rock Christ Jesus—it shall remain. Treasure that is built on the earth shall decay, shall rot, and shall fade.

Don't seek what you have built up on this earth. Let it go. Let it go. Let it go. And turn to the Rock, and He will help you, and He will lift you up, and you'll have treasure in Heaven, and not on earth.


1999 08 20.4

There are days coming, says the Lord, when times that are hard shall seem harder. For the time that the world is going into, shall not be a time of turmoil like any other great depression that has ever been.

It shall be a time that is worse, and worse, and worse. Even the rich shall lose all their money. Many shall lose every cent they had, but more so than ever before.

For the times that come shall be very hard. When the world tries to get out of it and build its finances again, it shall not have success. Limited success will occur, but it shall be very limited. For I, says the Lord, am putting an end to the god of money.


1999 09 05.1

These coming days that soon shall be when this earth shall reel from the economic deprivation of money:

They won't understand how it could happen. The economy was so strong. The economy was doing so great. The economy was excellent. The economy was the way it should be. And yet, it shall not be. And the remainder of what's left will be a sluggish, slow economy—much unemployment, and much unrest.  But that shall be the beginning.

For people that are unemployed—they shall seek to live by whatever means they can. Violence shall erupt as it has not erupted in a long, long time. Many cities shall have serious crime like they have not known, nor could they have ever imagined.

This is what's coming. This is what's coming. Those who put their faith on Me shall walk with Me, says the Lord. Those who put their faith on the things of this earth shall find how fragile the promises of this world can actually be.


2000 05 03.1

As I was waking up this morning—still partly asleep, and with my eyes still closed—I could see myself sitting in my little red car and driving down a road. I seemed to be distracted to my left and looking off into a field as I was driving. In front of me there was an average sized black car driving the same speed as me.

All of a sudden, and without any warning this car in front of me stops. It just stops dead, right in the driving lane! I realize that I cannot stop in time and will hit him if I don't do something quickly. Without thinking I do not even touch the brakes, but swerve to the right side and continue driving on the edge of the road. There is just enough room for my small car to make it.

At this point I open my eyes and the vision stops. Then God speaks this word to me: In the coming economic crash there'll be just enough room for those very economically minded people to make it through. They can survive this time of economic crash. No one else can really survive for any length of time.

I thought that this was the end, but as I closed my eyes again it continued. I continued to drive down the shoulder of the road. In the driving lane to my left there is now a long line-up of average sized black cars. They are stopped dead and bumper to bumper. So close are they to one another that I think they may be touching each other, but I am not sure if they were or not.

I notice that there are other cars like me driving down the shoulder. Both my car and the other cars are marked "paid." I had the impression in my spirit that we are alright, we can just make it.

I then see in the ditch to the right of us, people who have been driving large black cars. These people could not stop in time to keep from hitting those who stopped in front of them, and like me they swerved onto the right shoulder. But they did not have enough room there, and were forced into the ditch.

I notice that there are very few like me, who are driving small cars on the side of the road—very few, not many at all!

As I come up to a railway crossing I, and the few others, hit the brakes. Just over this small hill with the railway crossing on top is a blockade. This blockade was across the shoulder of the road where I was driving. There is still a line-up of cars in the driving lane as far as I could see. There is no more going down this road, the side is blocked completely!

As I look down the road, I am now above my car and the road and can see the side of the road caving in ahead of us. The bank of the road is just caving in more and more, and eroding without any noticeable reason. The bank erodes in an angle in the direction we were travelling toward the cars stopped in the driving lane. It gets close to them and then stops in a straight line out to the normal edge of the road. The road seem better for a while and then this pattern of erosion is repeated. Also, the first erosion toward the line of cars stops just into a gravel road going off to the right. Most of this road is unaffected by the erosion as far as I can see. But I can only see a few feet of the beginning of it.

I sense that something else of importance is ahead but I can't see what it is yet. At this point I open my eyes again and the vision stops. When I close them, it continues.

As I move above the road, looking ahead to see what is important, I come to a real problem. Now I can see what I could sense before. There is a ditch across the road like it was eroded or deliberately dug. It goes all the way across. There is no going any further. This is where the black cars in the driving lane have first stopped. The road does continue further, but there is no way to cross, and no cars after this ditch. I look ahead as far as I can see, but I cannot see where the road goes—it is somehow blocked from view. But I can tell there was once a road in use there.




Then this word from the Lord:

Now thus says the Lord. This is the economic road. Those driving large vehicles will get stopped first. The large economic path that they think is so clear and so easy and so blessed and so full of money—they have put themselves into debt.

The cars represent the blackness of the love of money. And they are the black cars. Those people who are driving the largest and spent the most debt to get where they are—they will be in the ditch first, they will be in the ditch very soon from the economic crash.

Those people driving medium cars will try to stay where they are, stopped dead in the road, and continue no farther. But they themselves are in danger of economic crash. Only those people who have been very careful to pay things off can continue down this economic road for a short time. Once they get to this ditch across the road—there is no going farther!

At this point the economy of the United States, America, Canada, and much of the rest of the world, much of the rest of the world, will collapse. At this time it will collapse because of not an economic problems, but of an invasion of the United States of America.


Later in the day the Lord gave me some more information about the meaning of the vision. The car I am driving is red. The car ahead of me on the side of the road was white. This represents the Blood of Jesus which washes white.

Also the suddenness of the stop is important.


The evening after this vision God gave me some more interpretation. The road was flat except for the hill where the railway crossing was. He said that this hill was put there by Him so that people could not see the blockade ahead. The railway crossing is to make the hill appear natural on an otherwise flat road.

The gravel road represents economic rebellion against paying of debt and taxes to governments. I cannot see how people could get to this road from the side where I was driving and did not see anyone attempting to get on it.

The Lord also revealed that although the vision stopped without any erosion touching those black cars in the driving lane, it would do so later to some of them. The erosion would aim at individuals and groups. Then they would fall into the ditch like the other larger black cars.


2000 05 29.1

While in prayer this evening and with my eyes closed, I could see a person standing with his feet partly hanging over the edge of a cliff.

It was close to a straight drop down a short distance. Then what appeared to be a jagged rocky area which angled downward somewhat, also for a short distance. Below this it looked like a hole, for I could not see an edge to this cliff below the jagged rocky area—the edge just seem to stop, and I could not see the bottom.

As I watched the person dropped down on this rocky area, bounced down this slope over the edge and into the hole. The first drop seemed quite quick. The bouncing on the rocky area was a bit slower. Then suddenly over the edge and very quickly went out of sight. I got the impression in my spirit that the speed was very important.

This is the economy, says the Lord, this is what will happen as they step off into the beginnings of the economic crash. There'll be a short drop, an attempt to catch it which will appear to be working to some extent—that is, you will see a rough bottom, even though the bottom will still be slowly be going down. There will be an attempt to catch the crash, then without warning, without any need, it shall drop into an unbelievable depths. So says the Lord your God.

Note: the Lord impressed upon me after this that He said the economy here, not specifically the Stock Market.


2000 06 25.2

For they'll listen to those people, says the Lord, who set their sights on finances.

There was a time and an age when only that sin was found in the world, but now you find it in so many churches: seeking a prosperity blessing, seeking money, seeking cars, seeking houses.

But I warn you, says the Lord, those who have put their trust in the finances of this world shall be devastated with the world. For coming is a time when the world finances shall fail, and the world's financial system shall collapse.

When those days arrive, those who have put their time and effort into money will realize they have nothing. Those who have spent their time in prayer and faithfulness: they will have something. They'll have the power of the Lord to deliver and protect them and carry them through this time, says the Lord God.


2000 09 20.1

For thus says the Lord, great is the plans of the Lord God for the coming days.

I have directed some of My people to do certain things. Many are reluctant to do them. The planning for the future is the key at this point. To pay off your debts is a key at this point. To prepare for the financial problems that shall come is a key at this point.

The days are soon coming when you will see the great financial collapse that has been so prophesied by so many prophets for so long. When it comes, don't be surprised at the way it comes. Don't be surprised at how long it takes to occur. Don't be surprised at how serious it becomes.

There is a God, which is Me, saith the Lord, which is above all else, and I control all. If you will humble yourself and obey My Word, I will be with you even to the ends of the earth. I will not bring a disaster upon you, but instead I will guide you through this.

Look through the Old Testament. Look at the prophet Elijah. When the brook dried up, I sent him to a widow woman who had no food to feed him, save for one meal. Yet that one meal lasted to the end of the drought.

You see, it is not based on what you see around you. It is not based on what you imagine. It is based on My power, says the Lord, and I meet the needs of My people.


2000 10 21.4

Time draws near for the crash, says the Lord, the economic crash that you have heard so much from so many.

Many of My prophets have told you there is a coming crash of the economy. Many of you have sought to know when it is, to know what you can invest in now so you can get out before the getting out is bad.

You want to get out when the getting out is good, but I say unto you, says the Lord, that this is the love of money! This is the love of the world!! This is sin and stink before Me!!! That you want to make money while the money making is good—and get out!

Your mind is with the flesh and worldliness of satan! You have sought the things of the evil because you want to get rich and get out without losing it!

But I tell you, says the Lord, no matter where you invest, if your heart is against Me like that, you will be deceived into losing it all!! By one means, or by another you will! It will be your judgment!

For only those who are not in love with money—for those who are in love with the world are false, but those that are in love with Me, saith the Lord, they are the ones I protect—if anybody's money will be safe at any time it will be the ones who seek Me.

That's why My prophets don't tell you when it's going to happen. For you would seek to make money off that prophecy. No, they will not tell you the time. And any prophet that has stated the time of the crash is a false prophet! For I have never revealed that, saith the Lord, and I never will!! You'll know it when it happens.

Those that are in love with the things of the earth, they will go with the ways of the earth. But those that are in love with Me, they will be guided by Me. And whether they lose money or whether they gain money I will meet their needs throughout the entire time. For they won't care about the money, they'll care about Me, and therefore I will care about them.

Do not fall into the great sin of the love of money. So says the Lord!


2000 11 01.1

As I woke up this morning, I could see a man in my spirit standing with his shoes about half way over the edge of a cliff. All I could see was the lower legs and feet, which had shoes on. As I watched the man, he slowly shuffled his feet ahead until they were so far over the edge that only that last half of his heels were still on the ground.

As I wonder about this, this word of the Lord: This, Thomas, is the economic collapse that he is about to step into.

[See prophecy 2000 05 29.1; also see 1998 10 27.1]


2000 11 01.2

As I had seen earlier (#2000 11 01.1): the man with the legs and feet (with shoes on) standing over the edge of a cliff with only the last half of his heels still on the ground.

But this time he had moved ahead and only the very last little bit of his heels were still on the ground. The rest of the shoe was sticking over the edge of the cliff.

[See prophecy 2000 11 01.1; also see 2000 05 29.1; and 1998 10 27.1]

Then this word of the Lord: this is to come, but very soon.


2000 11 01.3

In my spirit I could see a line. This line went upward sharply for a short distance. Then it fell downward, also very sharply, but for a very long distance. Much longer that the distance it had gone up. Then, again it went up sharply for a short distance and down again. It did this several times, but I could not recall how many. After this it somewhat levelled off, and took only small up or downward directions. I had the impression in my spirit that this was part of a much larger graph, and I was only seeing a small part of it.

Then this word of the Lord:

Thus says the Lord, this is the world economy and what shall happen. It is the beginning of My very serious judgments on this earth.


2001 01 20.1

For thus saith the Lord. Let the Spirit of God control you. Let Him guide you. Let Him lead you. He shall show you what to do in the coming days.

For in these days you shall see a lot more financial problems than ever before. And you shall say, “This is the beginning of the crash,” and you’d be right. It is the beginning of it, just at the door, just about to take place; for this is the beginning of it.

Many things shall happen in this crash. It shall not occur at once. And each event will bring it farther down the road toward the bottom.

However, if you will look to the world’s financial institutions––to study what they say when it occurs, and how to get through and how to protect yourself––you will lose. God is greater than anything the financial institutions can come up with. He will meet your needs.

Did not I create miracles? In one of the greatest troubled times of days of old I sent Elijah to the widow. She had nothing to offer him, save one meal. Yet I met their needs throughout the entire time.

This is the way I shall meet the needs in the coming days. Not by the power of the world, but by the power of My might, saith the Lord.

Heed Me and know that the times at hand can only begotten through safely in the power of the Spirit of God. Only My people can walk through this way. The world shall be in trouble at every turn.

So stand and know that at the door is the first beginnings of the real crash. Yes, there have been preludes to it, there’s been trouble in the financial world. But these are just preludes to it. They amount to nothing compared to what it to come.

And each step that comes will be another step toward the bottom of the rock, and the rock at the bottom is the bottom of the financial world––till the financial world only produces what is necessary: things like food, clothing, and heat and shelter. Even then many people will be troubled to be able to afford them. At first it will look like a recession, but much more is coming than the recession.

So stand by and let the world know that you stand with the Lord Jesus Christ. Let Him guide you, and in each individual case I shall show you how to stand in faith and receive from the Lord, and the needs shall be met.

I shall do many things in this world. For this is the time of the end times. And just now we are beginning to reach into the beginning of the great revival of the end times when My people shall stand up and be glorious, shall stand up in power; they shall stand up in strength.

They need a shakening. A shakening to show that they are no longer standing with the world, but are standing with the glory of God; no longer relying on the world, but relying on the glory of God. When this relying on the glory comes, then revival comes, saith the Lord.


2001 02 19.1

In prayer, this morning, I could see a man standing with his feet so far over the edge of a cliff that only the back of his heels where on the ground. As I watched, he moved his right foot ahead, so that he was standing with only the back of his left heel on the ground. [This appears to be a continuing vision of this man; this being the fifth such vision. See prophecies 1998 10 27.1, 2000 05 29.1, 2000 11 01.1, 2000 11 01.2; also see number six: 2001 03 17.1]

Then this word of the Lord: thus saith the Lord, the man represents the economy about to step over the cliff and to fall down. But I say unto you, Thomas, learn not how close it is, but speak the word, and know when it comes it shall come by My hand and by My direction.


2001 03 17.1

I could see in my spirit the man walking up to the edge of the cliff [This is a continuing series of visions of the economy. This is number six in the series. See prophecies 19981027.1, 2000 05 29.1, 2000 11 01.1, 2000 11 01.2, 2001 02 19.1]. I could see him step out with his heels so close to the edge that he was barely on the ground. As I watched he step right off the cliff and began to fall. As he did so the scene before me was frozen, as you would freeze-frame from a video machine.

The Lord said: this is how far it has gone––it has begun!

Thus says the Lord, hear Me My people. Do not look unto the finances of this world, but look unto the Spirit of God, and He shall lead you through.


2002 03 16.1

For thus says the Lord, this is the land of plenty that I have given: as Joseph when he served in Egypt, hand in hand with Pharaoh, during 7 years of good and 7 of bad. What I tell you, now is the time of plenty. These days are the days of plenty.

Coming are the days when there shall not be plenty. For the great economic crash, of which many do not believe, is arriving at the door. And when it has fully come many will still deny, saying, “it will return to normal, we will build back up.” But every time they try they will fail. For My hand shall be upon it.

The love of money has risen up unto Me, and I am destroying it, saith the Lord, I am destroying it. So shall it be.


2002 04 14.1

While in prayer this morning the Lord reminded me of a vision which He gave me about 2 years ago concerning the economic crash. It contained a lengthy interpretation afterward explaining the various meanings of each part of the vision. He then gave me some further interpretation of this vision. You will have to reread it for the following to make sense. Refer to prophecy # 2000 05 03.1; which is also quoted below:


2000 05 03.1

As I was waking up this morning––still partly asleep, and with my eyes still closed––I could see myself sitting in my little red car and driving down a road. I seemed to be distracted to my left and looking off into a field as I was driving. In front of me there was an average sized black car driving the same speed as me.

All of a sudden, and without any warning this car in front of me stops. It just stops dead, right in the driving lane! I realize that I cannot stop in time and will hit him if I don’t do something quickly. Without thinking I do not even touch the brakes, but swerve to the right side and continue driving on the edge of the road. There is just enough room for my small car to make it.

At this point I open my eyes and the vision stops. Then God speaks this word to me: In the coming economic crash there’ll be just enough room for those very economically minded people to make it through. They can survive this time of economic crash. No one else can really survive for any length of time.

I thought that this was the end, but as I closed my eyes again it continued. I continued to drive down the shoulder of the road. In the driving lane to my left there is now a long line-up of average sized black cars. They are stopped dead and bumper to bumper. So close are they to one another that I think they may be touching each other, but I am not sure if they were or not.

I notice that there are other cars like me driving down the shoulder. Both my car and the other cars are marked “paid.” I had the impression in my spirit that we are alright, we can just make it.

I then see in the ditch to the right of us, people who have been driving large black cars. These people could not stop in time to keep from hitting those who stopped in front of them, and like me they swerved onto the right shoulder. But they did not have enough room there, and were forced into the ditch.

I notice that there are very few like me, who are driving small cars on the side of the road––very few, not many at all!

As I come up to a railway crossing I, and the few others, hit the brakes. Just over this small hill with the railway crossing on top is a blockade. This blockade was across the shoulder of the road where I was driving. There is still a line-up of cars in the driving lane as far as I could see. There is no more going down this road, the side is blocked completely!


As I look down the road, I am now above my car and the road and can see the side of the road caving in ahead of us. The bank of the road is just caving in more and more, and eroding without any noticeable reason. The bank erodes in an angle in the direction we were travelling toward the cars stopped in the driving lane. It gets close to them and then stops in a straight line out to the normal edge of the road. The road seem better for a while and then this pattern of erosion is repeated. Also, the first erosion toward the line of cars stops just into a gravel road going off to the right. Most of this road is unaffected by the erosion as far as I can see. But I can only see a few feet of the beginning of it.

I sense that something else of importance is ahead but I can’t see what it is yet. At this point I open my eyes again and the vision stops. When I close them, it continues.

As I move above the road, looking ahead to see what is important, I come to a real problem. Now I can see what I could sense before. There is a ditch across the road like it was eroded or deliberately dug. It goes all the way across. There is no going any further. This is where the black cars in the driving lane have first stopped. The road does continue further, but there is no way to cross, and no cars after this ditch. I look ahead as far as I can see, but I cannot see where the road goes––it is somehow blocked from view. But I can tell there was once a road in use there.

Then this word from the Lord:

Now thus says the Lord. This is the economic road. Those driving large vehicles will get stopped first. The large economic path that they think is so clear and so easy and so blessed and so full of money––they have put themselves into debt.

The cars represent the blackness of the love of money. And they are the black cars. Those people who are driving the largest and spent the most debt to get where they are––they will be in the ditch first, they will be in the ditch very soon from the economic crash.

Those people driving medium cars will try to stay where they are, stopped dead in the road, and continue no farther. But they themselves are in danger of economic crash. Only those people who have been very careful to pay things off can continue down this economic road for a short time. Once they get to this ditch across the road––there is no going farther!

At this point the economy of the United States, America, Canada, and much of the rest of the world, much of the rest of the world, will collapse. At this time it will collapse because of not an economic problems, but of an invasion of the United States of America.


Later in the day the Lord gave me some more information about the meaning of the vision. The car I am driving is red. The car ahead of me on the side of the road was white. This represents the Blood of Jesus which washes white.

Also the suddenness of the stop is important.


The evening after this vision God gave me some more interpretation. The road was flat except for the hill where the railway crossing was. He said that this hill was put there by Him so that people could not see the blockade ahead. The railway crossing is to make the hill appear natural on an otherwise flat road.

The gravel road represents economic rebellion against paying of debt and taxes to governments. I cannot see how people could get to this road from the side where I was driving and did not see anyone attempting to get on it.

The Lord also revealed that although the vision stopped without any erosion touching those black cars in the driving lane, it would do so later to some of them. The erosion would aim at individuals and groups. Then they would fall into the ditch like the other larger black cars.

--End of quoted vision--

The blockade is put there by God to stop His people, who are truly serving Him, from continuing down the road into the eroded area.

It is important when the crash occurs that finances be paid off and one not continue down the road––but to stop your financial spending. Driving down the shoulder represents trying to continue your regular life, but without debt. This is folly! One must stop or be stopped by God at the blockade!

The Gravel Road

As erosion continues toward those black cars in the driving lane many of them will try and turn onto this gravel road.

Those who are living the “high life” in much debt will try and turn onto this road which represents the continuation of their own economy by not paying taxes or debts. As they continue on this gravel road they will go even further into more direct forms of theft to support their way of life. Eventually those that continue a long way down this road will become violent.

Not all will continue all the way down the gravel road––some will travel various distances and then decide to go no further on it.


2002 08 11.1

As I was in prayer this afternoon the Lord showed me the following: I could see a chart with one line on it. It went up and down in a jerky fashion. Suddenly it dropped off so low that it was almost off the bottom. Then it continued its jerky up and down motion, but it was now doing so very near the bottom of the chart.

Then the Lord said: this is the stock market. You will soon see the sudden drop off to the bottom. Many will not believe that it cannot rise again––but each attempt to resurrect their money god will result in failure.