Letters To The WPA


Editors note

WPA stands for Watchmen Prophets Assembly. It is a Yahoo groups that uses email as well as a yahoo groups site to communicate with its members. Since Bob is a “sort of member” (they say he is he says he isn’t) he posts a lot to the group and many times the Lord stirs up some interesting discussion through him. One thing is for certain God certainly knows how to stir up a hornets nest when he wants to. Stephen Bening is the groups founder but most of the moderating he has delegated to others as the group has over 400 members.

There fore with out further ado…



Dear Stephen and the WPA,

I guess it all boils down to what a "real Goshen" is? Now i admit the "IMAGE" of GOSHEN is what i was shown. A "place" prepared for a "TIME and SEASON with a specific PURPOSE"....Now if and boy do i say if....Joseph at the end of his days of AUTHORITY in Egypt said to his brothers and nephews...."the famine ended 10-15-20 years ago so it is time to go home to the land ABRAHAM had been given from GOD" there would have been no need for MOSES...the 10 PLAGUES...the PARTING OF THE RED SEA and THE TABERNACLE in THE WILDERNESS.

SORT OF "like" what if EVE had not listened to the SERPENT.... we will never know...but it is an interesting chain of thoughts that go absolutely "NOWHERE"....

For years i have taught that we are to STUDY the LOGOS for these IMAGES, PATTERS and SEQUENCES. That they are PROPHETIC mileposts that lead us to REVELATION of MESSIAH for our WALK. I have repeatedly been given the "IMAGE" that THE WORD OF GOD IS A SWORD WITH "TWO EDGES". It is not an ORIGINAL THOUGHT...it is an IMAGE based on LOGOS...

"12 For the word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any twoedged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart."

Here Paul used the TERM "LOGOS" as "word". Scripture should cut through our personal "thoughts and intents" and show us the PATH we are to follow. Once there we "eat" the BREAD of Heaven ...RHEMA...

"3 And when the tempter came to him, he said, If thou be the Son of God, command that these stones be made bread.

4 But he answered and said, It is written, Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God."

In John 6 there a SEQUENCED PROGRESSION where JESUS HIMSELF states that HE is HEAVEN'S BREAD...study it. PLEASE.....

For once you understand the value of LOGOS you can discern what RHEMA can do....

"15 He saith unto them, But whom say ye that I am?

16 And Simon Peter answered and said, Thou art the Christ, the Son of the living God.

17 And Jesus answered and said unto him, Blessed art thou, Simon Barjona: for flesh and blood hath not revealed it unto thee, but my Father which is in heaven.".


"20 And he answered and said unto him, Master, all these have I observed from my youth.

21 Then Jesus beholding him loved him, and said unto him, One thing thou lackest: go thy way, sell whatsoever thou hast, and give to the poor, and thou shalt have treasure in heaven: and come, take up the cross, and follow me.

22 And he was sad at that saying, and went away grieved: for he had great possessions.".

There was something about this person which did something to JESUS.

JESUS "LOVED" him as soon as "HE SAW HIM".... But Mark 10 is also a SEQUENCED PROGRESSION...

13 And they brought young children to him, that he should touch them: and his disciples rebuked those that brought them.

14 But when Jesus saw it, he was much displeased, and said unto them, Suffer the little children to come unto me, and forbid them not: for of such is the kingdom of God.

15 Verily I say unto you, Whosoever shall not receive the kingdom of God as a little child, he shall not enter therein.

16 And he took them up in his arms, put his hands upon them, and blessed them.

DID JESUS LOVE the young MAN OF WEALTH more than THE CHILDREN HE BLESSED? NO....but HE ASKED the YOUTH to ACT...the CHILDREN simply came and got BLESSED.

JESUS asked for OBEDIENCE from one who could MAKE A CHOICE. Sheep HEAR and choose to follow...so they are HIS SHEEP.... THE CHILDREN were brought to HIM....AND tried to get through the "disciples"... NOW THAT IS AN IMAGE we should study real hard... DISCIPLES did not want children to BOTHER, DISTURB, take up THE MASTER/RABBI'S time... Children are always BROUGHT TO JESUS...and when they grow up enough to understand what JESUS REQUIRES they also have their choice. BUT FOLLOWING always REQUIRES us to "PICK UP OUR CROSS".

All these are IMAGES and PATTERN and SEQUENCES which lead us through REVELATION OF MESSIAH to allow our RELATIONSHIP to MATURE...to GROW.. to BEAR FRUIT in DUE SEASON. GOSHEN is an IMAGE...which leads us to a crossroad in our choices. To comprehend GOSHEN we have to accept the IMAGERY and PATTERNS within the story of JOSEPH son of JACOB.

I guess it is time to talk about that Stephen...

But before i venture there....let me end this and share two OLD TESTAMENT scripture referring to TWO-EDGED SWORDS....






Editors note

Cued from a letter from a Pastor Prophetess La Trent who had a less than favorable brush with a ministry, that one needed to be a member of in order to receive any real substantial assistance for in ministerial or other areas of the Christian life.  She discovered that not all those who call themselves church or ministry are the Lord’s. She posted Is You Church a Country Club Church? This is the reply.

Re: Is Your Church A Country Club Church

Dear Pastor Prophet Peg, and the WPA...

I had just finished writing Crossroads and posted it to the WPA when i found your post asking about "Country Club Churches". I was about to go on a major expedition on the WPA based on exactly what a "gathering of the Saints" should be. I have four scriptural texts to work out of....two from the PROPHET ISAIAH, two from APOSTLE PAUL.

Call it a firm foundation in THE LORD JESUS....


ISAIAH 61:The Spirit of the Lord GOD [is] upon me; because the LORD hath anointed me to preach good tidings unto the meek; he hath sent me to bind up the brokenhearted, to proclaim liberty to the captives, and the opening of the prison to [them that are] bound; 

To proclaim the acceptable year of the LORD, and the day of vengeance of our God; to comfort all that mourn;

To appoint unto them that mourn in Zion, to give unto them beauty for ashes, the oil of joy for mourning, the garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness; that they might be called trees of righteousness, the planting of the LORD, that he might be glorified. 

2) Isaiah 58.

3) EPHESIANS 4....And he gave some, apostles; and some, prophets; and some, evangelists; and some, pastors and teachers;

For the perfecting of the saints, for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ:

Till we all come in the unity of the faith, and of the knowledge of the Son of God, unto a perfect man, unto the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ:

That we [henceforth] be no more children, tossed to and fro, and carried about with every wind of doctrine, by the sleight of men, [and] cunning craftiness, whereby they lie in wait to deceive; But speaking the truth in love, may grow up into him in all things, which is the head, [even] Christ:

From whom the whole body fitly joined together and compacted by that which every joint supplieth, according to the effectual working in the measure of every part, maketh increase of the body unto the edifying of itself in love.

4)1 Corinthians 12.

NOW Peg and the WPA....that was where i was going to start. But Peg sort of beat me to it. Here is a church...the one Peg contacted... who has a problem. It is a NICOLAITIN STRONGHOLD....not a gathering of THE SAINTS. But few notice, few care. Come to church on Sunday. If you can not supply your own transportation, you probably will not be putting large tithe checks in the weekly offering. So what good are you? You sure are not going to bless this ministry! And if you need counseling or deliverance....go to a psychologist or psychiatrist. If you can not pay for them...why make us accountable for your problems...

Sound Familiar?

I feel sorry for the people who are paid minimal wage with probably no benefits to answer the phone for FALSE PASTORS. They probably can make more money and benni's out in the marketplace. Too often they are told by these WOLVES IN SHEEP'S CLOTHING it is their duty to "serve" the MINISTRY.

Now we think "cults" when we think of PEOPLE BEING USED. The only problem is that most churches are strictly NICOLAITIN in it's foundation and it's history. Some may ask what does Bob mean by NICOLAITIN? Well maybe you should look it up in Revelation 2.The NICOLAITINS were people JESUS says twice THAT HE HATES!!!


DOMINATION… and JESUS said HE HATES THESE MEN/WOMEN who place themselves in control over HIS PEOPLE.

Mar 9:35 And he sat down, and called the twelve, and saith unto them, If any man desire to be first, [the same] shall be last of all, and servant of all.

You see, when men and women live off other people and expect to be served because they have a title or position...they are NICOLAITIN. Most are in ministry for their own rewards....their perks... it is better than actually working for a living. Just ask them.

Personally...i do not believe in "professional ministry"....must have got it from PAUL. But i know good men and women struggling to care for the sheep THE LORD has entrusted to them. And i also know those eager to show their new LEXIS....

So how do we differentiate....true ministry from NICOLAITINS?

I guess to do that i need to know what i am supposed to be looking for.....






I awoke around 4 this morning, with the thought of desolation on my mind.

Computers are a wonderful thing, especially when they are equipped with a bible. A search of my "online" bible for the term desolat* yielded 187 uses of that term and its derivatives. I was quite surprised there were that many. Due to the prodding of someone named Ron on the private email side, I have been pondering Daniel's abomination of desolation. All throughout scripture, God promised that if His people turned from Him and ignored His many calls to them, then HE would desolate them.

God has desolated His people many times in the past. Jesus warned us that "when you see the abomination of desolation", then flee. It, the abomination, will be a sign. In the past, the abominations have been something done in the temple, as in the slaughtering of a pig on the altar, or something done in the city of Jerusalem, as in the hanging of the Roman ensigns over the gates of the city. The Roman ensigns were worshipped as Gods. The city was considered a "holy place".

In terms of post New Testament abominations, when we saw the Pope declare himself infallible around the year 600, and when we saw teachings that exalted Mary to co-redemptress status with Jesus, then we knew that a desolation was at hand. This was an abomination of doctrine, in the temple of God, or where it ought not to be. A desolation must, and did follow. Only a few years after that, Mohammed began his rise, building mosques on the foundations of dead and ruined churches.

Now, for the past fifty years, another abomination has arisen in the part of the church that was still alive, but that is now dead. That abomination is the covetousness laden, prosperity false gospel. Prophets have been sent to warn of it. Discipline has been sent out from the throne and ignored. Now, the desolation has begun. God has sealed a remnant. The judgment has begun with the ancient ones of the house.

The glory has departed from the churches of America, and from the churches of other lands where Americans have carried this false gospel. Just as in the past, the people of God are going to be desolated by God, and the process has already begun and has now begun to spread to the nations in which the people of God live.

We have been warned to flee when we SEE. To see, you must discern. As the hour grows late, discipline has become a bit harsh sometimes. It has been very necessary. Desolation is very serious and terrible business, but there is more to come, even after the desolation. When I was young, I had one brother, and one sister who behaved like a brother.

We were a rather rough bunch. My mother would spank us when we misbehaved, and we would cry crocodile tears, but when she left the room, we would laugh, because she just wouldn't spank us hard enough to really hurt us or scare us. BUT.........she used those dreaded words sometimes....."I'm going to turn you over to your Father". That elicited a change in behavior from us, but, I am afraid that sometimes, we did not turn fast enough or far enough to avoid falling into His wrath. Now, in my house, it is the same with our ten year old son Johnny. He simply runs over his mother like a bulldozer, but then, she says those same words, and the same process begins, all over again. She really believes that when she spanks him, it hurts, but when she is not in the room, he laughs.....

WPA is a place moderated by FIVE MEN....FIVE FATHERS. Two of the five are soldiers: Randy McKee and Ron Williams. Ron is serving in Iraq right now, and emailed me yesterday to tell me he is ok. Bob Neumann can educate you on firearms and ammunition, if you choose to inquire. In a fight, Joe Cook is the man I want next to me...just a feeling I get about Joe...feelings I have learned to trust.

These guys are not "mamby pamby" guys, and I'll bet my remaining dollars (not much) that they have not read Dr. Spock's guide to parenting. If they read it, they quickly used it to cook beans. So, if you want to receive touchy feeling discipline in the Alan Alda style, this MIGHT not be the place for you. So, Bob got the big stick out, and I affirmed what he was doing in the Holy Spirit. Why? Because desolation is not all there is that is coming, and Bob can see that. First of all, this will be the MOTHER OF ALL DESOLATIONS. Some of the girls have related frightening visions.

Scripture says it will be the worst of the worst of times. A world of hurt is coming down on all of us FAST. Bob is just trying to get a few of you to MOVE by the Holy Spirit. Daniel 9 closes with that "something else"...."and that determined shall be poured upon the desolate". What might the "that determined" thing be that "shall be poured"? For almost 1900 years, Jerusalemwas desolate, but there was something else...determined...that was poured upon the desolate, and it still remains...BLINDNESS.

Israel is back in the land, but the Jews are still blind. For 1260 years, from 606 to 1866, the Roman Catholic church held secular authority over nations, and the Popes regularly ordered executions and other killings and tortures. That has ended, but the BLINDNESS remains. Now, don't you all get it? It is our turn. The desolation is not going to result from some rebuilt temple in Jerusalem. THIS DESOLATION IS CAMPING AT OUR DOORSTEP. Some reach the place of discipline...where the road forks, and choose to turn...to return to the Lord. Some take the other fork...they DIS.

Yes, they dishonor and disrespect: they DIS God's appointed leaders because they have fallen into that habitually, and this is true in America like nowhere else. Habitually? Most people are very habit oriented. They are easy to form and hard to break. These folks disrespected the covetousness laden false gospel teachers, and so they came out. Their coming out was good, but they brought with them rebellion and disrespect for leadership.

You see, when you come out of something like that, you have to clean yourself off, and examine yourself to see just how it has affected you. How have you been defiled by it? How was it that you were initially blinded to have been involved in it in the first place? Then, many have disrespected those who rejected the prophets who prophesied of the coming desolation, and so they came out again. They were right in coming out, but not being careful, they still carried and nurtured rebellion and defiance. Now, they refuse to bow to ANY God ordained authority. They will not give any honor because they cannot see anyone to whom honor is due.

They developed a habit of dissing. They became experts at exiting. They have not examined themselves to see why they were involved in churches where prophecy was rejected. Where is the fault or deficiency in me? How could I have seen it earlier? And yet, now they are gathered together here at the WPA, and some of them cannot discern just who a God appointed leader is. And so they DIS, and are, even so, heading onward toward desolation and blindness. Their previous "comings out" have not profited them.

Are we, the FIVE MEN of WPA, called, appointed and anointed to lead a work that God has initiated? You will have to make that decision. We are convinced in the matter, and we will go about the doing of that work with a resoluteness and firmness...even a grimness at times. The joy of the Lord is our strength, but...."to everything, there is a season".

Dangerous times ahead indeed.. a veritable minefield in the spirit...even if you are only riding in an REO Speedwagon.

Stephen L. Bening

Editor’s note

This letter from the founder of the WPA triggered this response from Bob


Dear Stephen, Now i have read this post 3 times and each time i have sat and wondered. You mention me and "the big stick". In the past i have had enough people say that just because i commented on something they were afraid to comment because i "intimidated" them. Says little about my people skills.

But as i kept rereading your post it reminded me a story i read years ago. One night during a pouring rain a man was traveling. As he came to a bridge he slowed down to cross and as he started onto the bridge he saw the tail lights of the car ahead of him suddenly vanish. He hit his breaks. The middle span had washed away. As he stared forward a car went around his and right off the bridge. The only thing he thought to do was to warn others that the bridge was out.

So he turned on his hazard blinkers. Went to his trunk and took out several flares. He lit them and set them on the road. Then he went and stood on the road in the pouring rain, a lit flare in each hand waving frantically at approaching cars.

The first car honked at him and nearly ran him down as it sped by and into the river. Then another and another. He said he felt panic when he could not get them to stop. He said that one of the cars was driven by a woman with kids in the car. In his account of that night he felt that the sight of a man in the pouring rain waving flares so frightened the woman she was in full acceleration as she went into the river.

Eventually a car stopped and then others. Eventually all traffic was stopped. State troopers told the man that he was a hero. He saved many lives. When they later dredged the river they found 9 cars and trucks had fallen. When the news people went to find the hero all they found was a man weeping because he believed he "killed" the woman and the children he saw drive by.

Like i said it was a story i read long ago and i never have forgotten it. For a long time i could not understand why the man blamed himself for anything. I could not understand how anyone driving would not stop when seeing flares and someone waving a warning. But i was young then and did not understand a lot of things.   The ability to second guess oneself requires two things. First you had to have tried to do something...but failed. The second is a conscience that can be seared....a heart that can be broken. Even when you do everything possible, the results may not be successful. AND then you learn to live with it...

DESOLATION is a great term...it gives me vivid images of events i do not want to happen. But my wants mean little in the long run. Likewise when it comes to "authority"...i don't want it. Never have, never will. On the other hand i understand "being under authority" and taking responsibility. Being accountable for what i say and do.   People do stupid things and make excuses. No one wants to be blamed for their own errors and mistakes...so we make excuses...deny any accountability. I remember the comedian FLIP WILSON saying "THE DEVIL MADE ME DO IT"...and everyone laughed. Not my fault....

Mistakes happen...you live and learn. You do better... that is what i was taught as a child. bob




Just MESSING With Your Head

Has anyone watched any TV lately? Have you noticed the ads for the NEW programs AMERICA will be entertained with? This year we are going to get a load and a half of "SUPERNATURAL" stuff...in fact WB has a program called "SUPERNATURAL"....

Funny how serious competition will be... Ghost Whisperer...Medium....then there will be Criminal Minds in competition with Killer Instinct. We even have UFO's who are not nice...Invasion... Threshold.... and we thought SMALLVILLE and CHARMED was BAD... THE NIGHT STALKER and SURFACE...THE BOOK OF DANIEL will be more than interesting.

Personally i am waiting for COMMANDER AND CHIEF... Geena Davis as the PRESIDENT and Donald Southerland as her foe/adviser...i'm not exactly sure because the ads are short and have minimal information.

E-Ring has Dennis Hopper... interesting.... lot of things i find "interesting"...for one reason or another. Anyone else notice?






Dear Stephen and the WPA, I was just listening to the CNN and Weather Channel continuous reports about KATRINA. CNN just had an interview from meteorologist from Minneapolis who just publisheda book. It was a good discussion. But what was important was when the "journalist" asked the "meteorologist" what advice he had for the people "awaiting" Katrina he started with "everyone has to take responsibility..."

What else he said was the usual...which we have heard 4 times every hour the last few days. What was different was his stating people having to "take responsibility".....

We all as adults say we are responsible for what occurs in our lives. Or at least we should. Modern behavioral psychologists and humanists will say that people can not be held responsible because our choices are "controlled" by our environment...our economic situation...our education/or lack of it...our cultural background...etc, etc, etc....yada, yada, yada.

Basically we are forced into making our choices and can not be held either responsible...or accountable for our actions...especially "bad" ones. You can not blame someone for anything...society forced them... I know we have heard it all before.... sin is not sin...GOD IS LOVE and FORGIVES EVERYTHING.   But when do we accept our accountability...take the responsibility for our own lives and actions? It is nice to "pass the buck" to someone else, but how do say we are "Christians" who believe in a PERSONAL GOD, yet refuse to be held accountable?

If our "spirituality" is based on being part of the "community", i guess you can "just go along for the ride". Get on the bus and let someone else drive. The bus is going to VEGAS...sounds like fun so i'llgrab a seat. THE "SPIRITUAL BUS" is going to "ETERNAL REWARDS"....MANSIONS in HEAVEN....STREETS OF GOLD.… HEALTH and HAPPINESS. MAN OH MAN...don't it just sound so goooooooddddd!!!!!!!!

Only where is GOD in this heaven we want to get to? Where is THE LAMB? HIS WORDS? COUNTRY CLUB CHRISTIANITY sounds pretty easy...unless you are in trouble....in pain...alone...afraid...in doubt.  Get on THE BUS and PASTOR AMEN will tell you when, where, and how things will happen. Everything planned to minute by minute detail. The itinerary set in concrete. We just have to agree to what someone else plans for us.

I wonder where THE GOOD SHEPHERD fits into this... On THE BUS you put on the headphones and listen to what pastor wants you to hear, when he wants you to hear it. You don't have to recognize any VOICE... I wonder where THE BREAD OF LIFE fits into this... refreshments served, what and when is not your choice and do not ask for more, or for anything unacceptable to pastor.

I guess we can skip THE LIVING WATER, THE KING OF GLORY, THE LAMB OF GOD, our SAVIOUR and our REDEEMER... all are unnecessary. Anyone notice on the CNN and Weather Channel they repeat 80-90% of their information and advertisements every hour? 3Am and the clips played are in daylight and we see the same people saying the same things. Sure the advertise "up to date"..."minute by minute" information to keep us all "in the know"… Yeah... But if you buy into the BUS to Heaven, anything else should not bother you. I can imagine someone sitting out there in the bayou saying it is all a "commie plot" to get people to buy more gas this weekend. And they went to bed at peace with themselves. I can also see them wake up right about 4am and say "gee, it's rain' real hard, ain't it".

Everyday we take the responsibility for our own lives. We choose whether we work or not. Most will go to work because they want food, clothing, shelter and all the MASLOV'S bottom line needs. Now i know there are people who think "THE WORLD OWES ME". Both in and out of the SPIRIT. They expect everything to be given to them and "work" hard to get it. I know people who stand hours in lines to make sure they get their "compensation" continued. Fill out stacks of forms to get food stamps. Yes there are people who are in need....and because there is no BODY OF CHRIST taking care of things...government will come in and do it....and spread the cost around. And then there are those that want to ride any bus that goes by.

Those who take responsibility will pay for themselves and the government ...render to CAESAR.... Death and Taxes...inevitable. But what does SPIRITUAL RESPONSIBILITY include? Think on it for awhile.






Can we all really go out in the VINEYARD and work happily together? Sure there are some out there that want to only pick grapes. But then there are those who only want to eat grass and other green growing things. Personally, just sitting at the brook and being fed by ravens could get old in awhile.

But if no one really knows what they are supposed to be doing in the KINGDOM, you wonder why so many go from slaughter pen to slaughter pen. Walking away and entering the WILDERNESS is something that requires TRUST. TRUST in THE WILL of someone greater...wiser than yourself. Now so many have said that they have spent hard, long time in the WILDERNESS....and I accept that as they state it. Only i found THE WILDERNESS a whole lot easier and safer than BABYLON.

Call me crazy....BREAD FROM HEAVEN...WATER FROM THE ROCK...and then there is the SHEKINAH.... a long time ago THE MOST HOLY SPIRIT told me not to mix METAPHORS. Stephen caught the point of OBLIVION and OBLIVIOUS. GOD gives us POWER, LOVE, and a SOUND MIND. What do we do with it?   like i say i wonder...





Words Of…

How many times have we seen the posters and even the bumper stickers entitled "Against the flow"? You know the one where all kinds of fish are pointed in one direction and you see the GREEK "ICTHEOS" symbol facing the other way.

JESUS always seems to be going in the "other" direction. I ended a post to the WPA with the phrase "QUO VADIS?". So much for a classic education when no one has a clue what you are talking about. I should have learned that lessen several years ago when I quoted Shakespeare. Confused too many people. The problem is when you assume everyone "knows" ....you are immediately in error. You see how THE MOST HOLY SPIRIT works and you figure that is what others are seeing too. Only they are not. But should everyone be a "joint heir" with CHRIST? Shouldn't all HIS CHILDREN have HIS GIFTS? The WPA like most places the SHEEP seem to have GATHERED, has been a place where we see WORDS of ENCOURAGEMENT...WORDS of CONFIRMATION...WORDS of COMPASSION... WORDS of EXHORTATION....WORDS of CORRECTION....

Now we have all had some experience with these 5 WORDS. Either receiving them...or passing them on. Sometimes you really need a WORD in due season. Many out there say that it is just these manifestations that are the DUTY of THE NEW TESTAMENT PROPHET. For a long time i went along with that thinking. The only problem was i knew there was a lack in all the "touchie feelie" of the professional prophetic ministries.

Like all things it seems to take RHEMA to dig into LOGOS. When i was led to the GIFTS...those 5 WORDS are not there. 1 Corinthians - Chapter 12 has a lot of information, but falls short of what man says and teaches. One "Prophetess" told me that Paul said that there was a "diversity of gifts" that Paul just did not have time to mention. Well that sounded phony to me then, but was not sure why at the time. Paul says that we are given WORDS of WISDOM and WORDS of KNOWLEDGE. Can these WORDS COMFORT, CORRECT, ADMONISH, INSTRUCT, WARN, and all other possibilities. SURE!

But what bugs me is that not one of the WPA wanted to even touch the subject. Which tells me a couple of things. No one has really "experienced" true WORDS.... and have nothing to base their thoughts. Like Stephen's mention of THE MATTERHORN...it looks different from all four directions. So i guess no one has seen THE MOUNTAIN.

You see, i am a man of little faith. I question everything...even GOD. When GOD says THERE IS NO DISCERNMENT among the WPA...i believed it. Then when HE SAID all HIS CHILDREN have DISCERNMENT...i stepped back and took a deep breath. First of all i had to understand just who HE MENT. The nebulous 400 who are invisible in the background. The few people who forward "other stuff" from other so called "prophetic sites" that are just plain bogus. Or those who are in serious need of a spiritual compass and have turned to the "WPA" by the GRACE OF GOD?

It sure would be nice if the GIFT OF HEALING was evident in every "little flock"? Make it a lot easier on the wild and woolly sheepses. Now i know there are churches were they "teach" people how to speak in TONGUES.... i know of ministries that have courses on becoming a prophet and how to heal and even raise the dead. Anyone ever notice that there is no GIFT specifically about "RAISING THE DEAD". But the bible does have a word for it.. NECROMANCY...and it is a "NO NO".... Look it up..

So what am i trying to say.… Well, Stephen is right. The WPA is a "vehicle" for a small group of people, a remnant, to be sheltered in the fun times just ahead. The last train/boat/bus out. Whatever image you prefer. But how do you teach people how to discern? I do not know. I pray...i wait...






Well WPA... In the past i have gone out of my way to ask the WPA to actually look at the THREADS that have come through this group. To actually try to figure out WHAT THE MOST HOLY SPIRIT was trying to get us to notice. In the past it usually did not work.   Joe, our RIDDLER, has shared two real scary images. I say scary because i know where it is leading. But if you really prefer to be OBLIVIOUS to what is OBVIOUS, nothing is going to help. But in case you missed them...

POST 14806 Songs for 40 and

POST 14808 Mood setting for 10.

Now for those who really can hear THE MOST HOLY SPIRIT camp at post 14806 until you get  something ... anything... Now i am going to ask the WPA an ugly question. Have you ever took a course in CPR? That is Cardio-Pulmonary RESUSITATION....the RED CROSS and the AMERICAN HEART ASSOCIATION have been teaching it to the AMERIKAN PUBLIC for going on 50 years. Now have you ever found yourself wishing that you knew how to "save a life"? A loved one having a cardiac arrest...a child with a seizure...a bee sting?

Funny how some real stupid and simple things can stop a human body from breathing...a heart from beating. Now i have to ask...have you ever done it? One of the hardest things i have to do is to STOP. Once you start CPR you stop when VITAL SIGNS return....or when further efforts are FUTILE… POINTLESS.... The second hardest thing is to explain to a family member that you had to stop.

But what is not always as hard is to discuss with family that maybe the situation is such, that if the VITAL SIGNS would fail, it would be pointless to do any CPR at all.   Let me tell you the real eye opener is when a person asks you not to bring them back...again...what do you say? I guess it is our mind set...we will do whatever it takes to help someone. All the science, technology, and skill we have at our disposal...we pour it out again and again. Hurricane Katrina has given us stories where trauma teams that were overwhelmed and everything they did was not enough. She also gave us stories where GOVERNMENT prevented teams from getting in and doing anything at all.

On August 4 i replied to posts mentioning where I live. As my Little Sister said.. the dog came back...lured back into the fray. On August 13 i went to a WEDDING and saw the draught as the NINTH OF AV stormed in. On August 16 i sent the WPA a post entitled CROSSROADS....and replied to THE COUNTRY CLUB CHURCH post. That was my signal to go after the "offices" and "gifts". But it was on August 27 where I sent a post on a FEMA drill here in Western North Carolina centering in McDowell County. In that post I mentioned BLACK TAGGING and creating a TV MINI-SERIES about New Orleans

...i wrote...

"For years i have "felt" that NEW ORLEANS was a tragedy waiting to happen. The city actually sits below sea level. The levies that keep the river and the gulf out are old and in need of major repair."

ABBA always tells me to KISS...KEEP IT SIMPLE STUPID. Which i always seem to forget to do. But i am not sure just how simple i can go from here on. Susan and Joe tell me...confirm for me my worst fears. Out of 400, give or take, there are not many going through to the other side. And even fewer really going to get into the fullness.

Like i said...i do not want to be the one who has to BLACK TAG the hopeless. Helpless...is another story... just help them through it.   Another thread was "HAS TIME RAN OUT"...if you have to ask the question it's almost too late...minutes are life and death in the real world. So if you crank it up and put it in gear...maybe you can get through the SEA before it closes.

But this SEASON is almost over. And WHEN THE MASTER is through pruning, THE VINE will look much different.

I also sent two songs with little or no comment... BE MAGNIFIED...and SANCTUARY.

Doing whatever it takes...





Has The WPA Spoken?

I guess i started about 3 weeks ago. Tomorrow September begins. Granted we have been "distracted" by a major catastrophe. But let me repeat it was a catastrophe simply waiting to happen. Ponder this...from Midnight Monday till Tuesday same...24 hours...Katrina has caused all the damage and trouble. Since that time We could blame it on HUMAN PLANNING...HUMAN NATURE...HUMAN STUPIDITY.

We are going to hear politicians saying..."WE SHALL REBUILD!!!". WHY? Why rebuild where future storms may destroy? Why not build inland...up river...somewhere else safer and better? Build better, more efficiently, economically?   What will be "their" priorities? Rebuild the casinos first? The FRENCH QUARTER and the HOTELS, BARS, and RESTAURANTS so we can bring in "tourist money"?

I brought fourth a series of posts based upon THE PERFECTION OF THE BODY OF CHRIST, THE EQUIPING OF THE SAINTS to "do the work of THE MINISTRY". Even before Katrina, the 380+ members of the WPA said little as a group. So just maybe the issue i raised just is not important for the TIME AND SEASON we have entered?   No one discussed THE GIFTS and how they are PRESENTLY FUNCTIONING among the SAINTS. No one seemed eager to discuss what the OFFICES really are and what they are supposed to be doing. I wonder why? Would one of GOD'S watchmen be moving ACTVELY in THE GIFT OF DISCERNING OF SPIRITS? Would someone who moves in THE GIFTS OF WORDS OF WISDOM and KNOWLEDGE be cruising the internet for confirming words? I guess we can pass on FAITH, MIRACLES, and HEALING....we got the HEALING ROOMS...which the great APOSTLE BUBBA explained about in his second Letter to the FLORIDIANS.

Now what did James really teach us.... Is any among you afflicted? let him pray. Is any merry? Let him sing psalms.

Is any sick among you? let him call for the elders of the church; and let them pray over him, anointing him with oil in the name of the Lord:

And the prayer of faith shall save the sick, and the Lord shall raise him up; and if he have committed sins, they shall be forgiven him.

Confess [your] faults one to another, and pray one for another, that ye may be healed. The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much.

According to James let the people afflicted PRAY!!!! According to James let the sick people CALL for help and the elders would GO to them, PRAY with THEM, and then ANOINT THEM ""IN THE NAME OF THE LORD"".

I guess we just don't have many really RIGHTIOUS out there.

And Benny can go to all THE GRAVES he wants to.... it does not replace THE BOOK OF JAMES with the dog and pony show.

OKAY WPA...ANY COMMENTS...ANY THOUGHTS...anyone hearing anything from THE MOST HOLY SPIRIT out there? If i am not doggedly pursuing THE LORD with this someone kindly tell me. Scripture says we are to go to a brother when he is in error....so if i am off base with all this and no one speaks up....what would that mean?

That is why i ask people to selah...to stop and to think...to pray and meditate....

selah bob





Dear Joe and the WPA, I really am not sure where to start here, so i guess I need to explain that i have had lots of dreams and too many visions i have never written one word on.... shared with anyone one and all. (before this post ends i will share one i have had to live with for 15+ years.)

The depression you talked about is a combination of exhaustion and grief. Physical exhaustion and spiritual grief. How do you think Jeremiah felt as they threw him in the cistern for his obedience? Maybe none of us may really know. Personally i have tried to live with Hosea 6.... Come, and let us return unto the LORD: for he hath torn, and he will heal us; he hath smitten, and he will bind us up. After two days will he revive us: in the third day he will raise us up, and we shall live in his sight.

Before HE RESTORES us, REVIVES US...HE WILL TEAR and SMITE. "smite" is a great old English term. But it basically means we will be hammered... trashed...whupped on...and GOD WILL do it, or specifically allow it to occur.

I have never hid my age or occupation. 32+ years in "health care" either burns you out or gives you a layer of calluses that make most thick skinned and appear unfeeling. That also could happen here in the more spiritual realm. In the natural realm there is a term that comes in and out of fashion every few years. EMPATHY...to "share what others feel". Years ago I learned never to say "i know just how you feel". First is that it may not be true, and Second people will call you on it. "How could you know how i feel!" Not a question but a declaration. No one in this world could possibly know how "i" feel.

In worldly parameters they are correct. But as a believer and a follower i know someone who does know everything. HE knows pain and grief. Many years ago when working in a very busy ER we went through several "MOCK" disasters. It was part of the county disaster plan, and part of the hospital's plan to be better prepared for whatever may happen. So I got to be part of a couple of awesome skull sessions where we discussed "how to cope with the unimaginable" and ran through several scenarios. Being survivors of Hurricane ANDREW and close neighbors with a nuclear reactor and have one of the most "international" population in the USA....we "saw" multidimensional and multilevel events that were conceivable...maybe probable...and "if i hated amerika how far would i go" possibilities.

We all got trained in TRIAGE....choosing who can be treated and who would be a "waste of resources". By our nature, our training, we RN's, MD's, Techs, Rescue people never not try to help. So this idea is difficult to accept.

So imagine a fairly normal hospital with fairly normal assets. Now imagine a disaster of BIBLICAL PROPORTIONS...say an explosion in a chemical warehouse inside a major warehouse/harbor facility. 2pm on Thursday....4 miles away. Windows in the hospital cracked...stuff fell on the floor...yada...yada...yada. So we all KNOW SOMETHING BAD happened... how bad...no one knows and no one may know for days or weeks. EMS...FIRE/RESCUE calls they are at the scene....injured found...attempting to treat at scene. All county response called for...Coast Guard called to assist in air evacuation. Secondary fires and explosions occurring as more storage areas are involved.

The ER has 40 stretchers and 24 areas for treatment. An additional 36 stretchers, 70 wheelchairs are being rounded up by auxiliary people...mostly retirees. Present ER (emergency room) staff 2 MD's,( doctors) 4 PA's, 6 RN's,(registered nurse) 2 techs. (technicians for lab or equipment on floor or for other functions like x-rays or respiratory therapy) And everyone being called in ASAP... now it begins...and we wait...5-10 minutes... and the first truck comes in with 4 injured. All have burns...one puncture wounds to chest and abdomen... send to OR. Two fractures arms and legs treat in er....oh...didi mention...of the 24 treatment areas...20 had patients already? Sorry. Of them we send 10 either home or admit...and the other 10 get pushed into hallways till further decisions are made. Oh, the fourth "injured" is pronounced dead and someone will get them to the morgue.

3 more trucks come in..9 more injured...now private cars are bringing them in and blocking traffic demanding help. In 40 minutes all 76 stretchers are full...many wheelchairs...all the or areas are in use....and now we have the first firefighters brought in...toxic fumes...secondary explosions. Police are trying to evacuate 2 neighborhoods and 3 large apartment buildings. An estimated 200 more injured are on the ground...awaiting transfer to us. Total injured:1,200 and increasing as they dig through wreckage. Highway accidents closing traffic out of the area because people are panicking. So now we "start Black Tagging". We have conference rooms where we start placing people on stretchers who are "unconscious", "comatose", and would require more time, people, assets we do not have. they are joined by others as the ambulances, fire trucks and private cars come in. we have 100 people in the waiting rooms we know can wait to be seen…but all want help now.... Now all this is "mock" and when the coordinator has one of our retired auxiliary runners fall in the middle of the hall with a massive "heart attack" and no one can leave what they are doing to help...we stop. We knew we were overwhelmed... and evaluated.

One thing...no MD or RN wanted to be chosen as primary triage. No one wanted even the possibility that somewhere down the line we would begin "black tagging".

None of us wanted to play GOD...

And if this became real...someone would have to chose. Even in the "mock" disaster most of us were grieved we could do so little for so few. It was not our fault.... IN THE SPIRIT i have seen too many DEAD SHEEP, too many times....and i grieve. I hear the screams of those thrown in outer darkness, gnashing their teeth in utter agony, pain that will never go away. Maybe i have a fixation about THE OUTER DARKNESS... it is in the core of my being. That is why i am on the WPA....

May years ago i had a vision while working in an ER where there were so many wounded, injured, diseased that the floors were covered in every hall way. People in so much pain no medication could help. People were laying on the ground in the parking lot because there were too many and they came too late to lie on cold hospital hallways. and more were being brought in with no where else to go.

In the SPIRIT i knew that what i was seeing had a duel meaning. NICOLAITIN RELIGION was preparing people to be slaughtered. Not leading them to a REDEEMER. I also know what happens in the spirit also happens in the natural. call it reason to grieve.

Be blessed JOE






Dear WPA,

One last comment about Katrina. The situation we are now seeing is deteriorating. Rescue personal are being shot at and being told to "step down" till security makes it safer.....

New Orleans is being evacuated. For the first time we have homeland refugees in excess of a million people. They will have to be given food, water, clothing and shelter indefinitely. We may add a few hundred thousand Alabamans and Mississippians who have lost their communities.

Israel just displaced 100,000 of their citizens. They had planned and built for this displacement. Plans to acclimate them in new environments had been a national priority. They were not dragged out of their homes and dumped somewhere and left unaided.

On the other hand we may have a million people angry not because of a political situation...but angry because they have not gotten enough, fast enough. But what is enough? CNN is showing over and over angry people sitting in garbage yelling "two days".... for two days no one has "met their needs".

Everyone had clean clothes...people were smoking their cigarettes and hiding their beer bottles from the camera. No one seemed willing to sweep up the garbage around them....no one seemed willing to bag their own garbage. We see them sitting and waiting...

In 1947-48 in the mideast thousands of people left their homes because Islamic armies were marching against the JEWISH SETTLEMENTS and the nation of ISRAELas acknowledged by the UNITED NATIONS. They were told they could loot all that they could find once all the cursed jews were killed or pushed into the sea. Sounds like a plan....only those "lazy", "cowardly" jews were far from lazy, and valorous in battle over and over. When the dust settled, the ISRAELIS had survived. Now all those people who chose to leave their homes had to decide: they chose not to go back to their villages and homes. Overnight the PALASTINIAN REFUGEE was created and for almost 60 years has been a global problem.

Many Palestinians went elsewhere...the USA, BRITIAN, Europe and several Islamic countries. They chose to assimilate into their new homes. Yes they still see themselves as PALASTINIANS....

But most chose to stay in their camps...now third and forth generation REFUGEES.... AMERIKA may just see that mindset among some of our new evacuees....displaced people. Everyday it rains in the Great Plains and the midwest, more water will flow to the MISSISSIPPI and down to THE BIG EASY. Remember the floods in the MIDWEST in 1994-5?....

This story will last months...until something worse happens...







Every year there are natural disasters. Some come in a moment like an earthquake or a tsunami. Others give a few minutes of warning like a tornado. For such all you can do is hold on, and wait till they are over. Some will give us days to watch the events fall in place as Katrina, floods and blizzards. We see them, hear warnings and then make decisions. But there are disasters that take weeks and months to show their devastation. Draughts and blights may take years to see the scale of their damage. And for volcanoes, decades and centuries can pass as people watch for the next eruption.

Common sense tells you to be prepared for events unexpected. Yet there are people who drive on bald tires with no spare in the trunk. Some people live on fault lines, in hurricane and tornado alleys, in the shadow of active volcanoes and never think anything will happen. Then there are man made situations just as threatening to us. Terrorism, the global economy, end time prophecy.

In the natural, annual warnings go out to plan for "7 days" of food and water for possible disruptions in our lives. There are those that say we will put our TRUST IN GOD and do nothing. The BOOK OF PROVERBS tells us to be proactive: He that walketh with wise [men] shall be wise: but a companion of fools shall be destroyed.  The soul of the sluggard desireth, and [hath] nothing: but the soul of the diligent shall be made fat. The LORD will not suffer the soul of the righteous to famish: but he casteth away the substance of the wicked.

When we look to the future we know that THE LORD is involved with those in whom HE IS IN COVENANT. But all we have to do is look at JOB to realize things do not always go nicely. But in JOB we have an interesting pattern.

Job 33:13 Why dost thou strive against him? for he giveth not account of any of his matters.

Job 33:14 For God speaketh once, yea twice, [yet man] perceiveth it not.

Job 33:15 In a dream, in a vision of the night, when deep sleep falleth upon men, in slumberings upon the bed;

Job 33:16 Then he openeth the ears of men, and sealeth their instruction,

Job 33:17 That he may withdraw man [from his] purpose, and hide pride from man.

Job 33:18 He keepeth back his soul from the pit, and his life from perishing by the sword.

In dreams and visions THE LORD speaks. But not once, twice. There is a duality for DIVINE WARNING. In verse 18 GOD protects man's soul(SPIRIT) and life (natural). So in GOD'S VIEW POINT we should be paying attention for instructions on preparing for natural situations and spiritual situations.

For years we have talked about preparing for natural events....but what should we be observant for in the spirit? In the future we have been told that there would be SEIZMOS and RUMORS of WARS.....but we were told to be aware of deceptions. And Jesus answered and said unto them, Take heed that no man deceive you. Deception will come from human beings. There will be FALSE CHRISTS...FALSE BRETHERN...FALSE GOSPELS. How do you "prepare" to handle such when they entrap and ensnare the unsuspecting and the unknowing? In the book of Isaiah we are told where there will be a time.... Therefore my people are gone into captivity, because [they have] no knowledge: and their honourable men [are] famished, and their multitude dried up with thirst. When this time comes we should know it by the actions of those around us...

Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!  Woe unto [them that are] wise in their own eyes, and prudent in their own sight!

Woe unto [them that are] mighty to drink wine, and men of strength to mingle strong drink: Which justify the wicked for reward, and take away the righteousness of the righteous from him!

Those who espouse FALSE GOSPELS and FALSE DOCTRINES will justify themselves and attack all who stand for righteousness. People will follow along and place themselves in opposition to GOD.

Isa 5:24 Therefore as the fire devoureth the stubble, and the flame consumeth the chaff, [so] their root shall be as rottenness, and their blossom shall go up as dust: because they have cast away the law of the LORD of hosts, and despised the word of the Holy One of Israel.

Destruction will come because GOD is MOCKED by these FALSE LEADERS.

Isa 5:25 Therefore is the anger of the LORD kindled against his people, and he hath stretched forth his hand against them, and hath smitten them: and thehills did tremble, and their carcases [were] torn in the midst of the streets. For all this his anger is not turned away, but his hand [is] stretched out still.

All who follow these NICOLAITINS make their GOD their worst enemy....and have no clue of their danger. Hbr 5:14 But strong meat belongeth to them that are of full age, [even] those who by reason of use have their senses exercised to discern both good and evil.

DISCERNMENT must be a daily exercise. Like PHYSICAL FITNESS...we should be fit in our SPIRITS.

So who wishes the GIFT OF DISCERNMENT?

To another the working of miracles; to another prophecy; to another discerning of spirits; to another [divers] kinds of tongues; to another the interpretation of tongues: But all these worketh that one and the selfsame Spirit, dividing to every man severally as he will.






Dear Rick,

Let me try to make this short and simple. EVERY GIFT OF EMPOWERMENT THAT ABBA HAS GIVEN US, the enemy has produced a demonic counterfeit. CLAIRVOYANCE and DIVINATION are DEMONIC COUNTERFITS of THE GIFTS. DISCERNMENT AND PROPHECY in particular.

Now here is the corollary...IF THE DEMONIC has some weapon in it's ARSONAL... that is not a counterfeit of DIVINE EMPOWERMENT...then there is a GIFT OUT THERE WE HAVE NOT LEARNED TO USE...YET... that was a very personal rhema i got years ago. Which is why i do not act like or sound like the NICOLAITINS say i should. and THE GIFTS ARE FOR ALL HIS CHILDREN...


bob the dog





Even when i just asked people to look at one verse. Now Joe has placed it all out before you....will their be any TAKER'S LORD? Or just the scoffers and mockers that seem to follow the FLOCK and throw distractions among them?

In Daniel 7 there are some REVELATIONS that appear no where else in SCRIPTURE...yet "we" take them for granted and we miss so much.

Dan 7:22 Until the Ancient of days came, and judgment was given to the saints of the most High; and the time came that the saints possessed the kingdom.

Oh we just love to SING about THE ANCIENT OF DAYS... HE GIVES US THE KINGDOM....correct, but you forgot about

Dan 7:21 I beheld, and the same horn made war with the saints, and prevailed against them;

If the ANCIENT OF DAYS does not intervene...you see how ABBA has this WORDED...THE LITTLE HORN...PREVAILED look it up children....he wasn't just winning... it was a done deal. Just put a "D" after prevaile and it becomes past tense.

ONLY if you LOOK at verse 13 there is a THIRD player that enters in....

Dan 7:13 I saw in the night visions, and, behold, [one] like the Son of man came with the clouds of heaven, and came to the Ancient of days, and they brought him near before him.

Now if we Just look at REV 19 all we see is THE GLORY of THE KING OF KINGS, LORD OF LORDS... But Daniel is showing us a "look at the mountain from a different angle all together.


Dan 7:14 And there was given him dominion, and glory, and a kingdom, that all people, nations, and languages, should serve him: his dominion [is] an everlasting dominion, which shall not pass away, and his kingdom [that] which shall not be destroyed.

So why is DANIEL TROUBLED...we all win...right????

Dan 7:15 I Daniel was grieved in my spirit in the midst of [my] body, and the visions of my head troubled me. Daniel was DISCERNING...and aware that he was missing something... Dan 7:16 I came near unto one of them that stood by, and asked him the truth of all this. So he told me, and made me know the interpretation of the things.

Daniel needed help...we all do when dealing with all that is about to occur. He had "seen" all the visions and knew it was beyond him. So he asked one of the CHERUBIM for a little help.

Just how the LITTLE HORN comes to power is not really important...we will all watch it shortly in PRIME TIME. Again i ask you to "watch" and "discern" how it is phrased and worded.

Dan 7:25 And he shall speak [great] words against the most High, and shall wear out the saints of the most High, and think to change times and laws: and they shall be given into his hand until a time and times and the dividing of time.

THE SAINTS are given over to THE LITTLE HORN and he will "wear out" "the saints of the MOST HIGH".

Now keep studying…

Dan 7:26 But the judgment shall sit, and they shall take away his dominion, to consume and to destroy [it] unto the end. Now here is what i have been begging you too study.

Dan 7:27 And the kingdom and dominion, and the greatness of the kingdom under the whole heaven, shall be given to the people of the saints of the most High, whose kingdom [is] an everlasting kingdom, and all dominions shall serve and obey him.

There is a strange phrasing there. A prepositional phrase denoting.... possession ...or membership within?

The "LITTLE HORN" makes war against THE SAINTS... fine we all knows that...he WEARS US DOWN...WEARS US OUT. This is REV 14... But a whole lot of PEOPLE are dying out there.... which is why verse 28..

Dan 7:28 Hitherto [is] the end of the matter. As for me Daniel, my cogitations much troubled me, and my countenance changed in me: but I kept the matter in my heart.

Yeah...REVELATION KNOWLEDGE changes things a whole lot. I really wished THE MOST HOLY SPIRIT would have talked about the heart set as flint, and not the face. Ireally am tired of seeing dead sheep and babies everywhere i turn.







Well David,

OMNISCIENT humor is hard to deal with... Imagine for a moment you are having a quiet chat with THE LORD OF HOSTS...and suddenly HE gets quiet ...you know something is coming...and HE BEGINS...."FRIENDS, ROMANS, COUNTRYMEN....LEND ME YOUR EARS....". And after a truly INSPIRED recitation all i do is sit there numb.

That STILL SMALL VOICE is augmenting certain parts....with scripture. How you might ask....very smoothly....

And then i get an INTENSE variation of HAMLET'S "TO BE...OR NOT... TO BE....THAT IS THE QUESTION...." there is a whole lot of MEAT in both soliloquies. Now this was last FRIDAY NIGHT....i allude to Mr Shakespeare and someone walks right into it. so much for discernment. To sleep- perchance to dream: ay, there's the rub!

For in that sleep of death what dreams may come When we have shuffled off this mortal coil, Must give us pause. In other words...SELAH...

Whether 'tis nobler in the mind to suffer The slings and arrows of outrageous fortune Or to take arms against a sea of troubles, And by opposing end them. now that is real strong meat...

The heartache, and the thousand natural shocks That flesh is heir to. All this to set me toward dealing with THE WORLD, THE FLESH... and you know who... So we are on a threshold of our dreams...

Questioning the BALANCE we must maintain... As we look back at THE DAYS OF FUTURE PAST...


I heard there was a secret chord

That David played and it pleased the Lord

But you don't really care for music, do you?

Well it goes like this:

The fourth, the fifth, the minor fall and the major lift

The baffled king composing Hallelujah

Hallelujah Hallelujah

Hallelujah Hallelujah

Well your faith was strong but you needed proof

You saw her bathing on the roof

Her beauty and the moonlight overthrew you

She tied you to her kitchen chair

She broke your throne and she cut your hair

And from your lips she drew the Hallelujah

Hallelujah, Hallelujah

Hallelujah, Hallelujah

Baby I've been here before

I know this room and I've walked this floor

I used to live alone before I knew ya

I've seen your flag on the marble arch

But love is not a victory march

It's a cold and it's a broken Hallelujah

Hallelujah, Hallelujah

Hallelujah, Hallelujah

There was a time when you let me know

What's really going on below

But now you never show it to me do ya

But remember when I moved in you

And the holy dove was moving too

And every breath we drew was Hallelujah

Hallelujah, Hallelujah

Hallelujah, Hallelujah

Well, maybe there's a God above

But all I've ever learned from love

Was how to shoot somebody who outdrew ya

It's not a cry that you hear at night

It's not somebody who's seen the light

It's a cold and it's a broken Hallelujah

Hallelujah Hallelujah


Little Sister LINDA... you loosely mention the OKAY CORRAL... and i am pondering "a cold and broken HALLELUYAH".

You wonder why i do a lot of selahs..






Dear Jan,

THE ONE to whom i submit is my LORD and SAVIOUR. I figured that anyone on the WPA would have understood this. As for your question. So how do you teach a person to trust? It is like DISCERNMENT...you can not. But over time and situations you can EARN the TRUST of a person. And you can loose 25 years of working to earn TRUST in 10 seconds.

So where do you really want to go with this question, Jan?

Because i TRUST THE LORD JESUS i can accept "HIS CALL" on people. I do not have to sit down with NORMAN or LINDA an hour a week for the next 10 years in face to face "therapy" to TRUST them. What they say in their posts is REAL...Even if LITTLE SISTER LINDA still does not know why i "can not bet 'my sox' ".....

AND maybe we had better understand what LEADERSHIP really is. RELATIONSHIP is NOT "leadership". You do not have to put up with all the abuse of "PREDATORS". I know too many people, men and women who were "ABUSED" by the people who should have loved them. Men who abuser their wives and children never strike out at another man. Nor they expect another man to confront them and threaten them. Most believe that now that they are "big"/grown up...they won't be abused.

So Jan...where do you "lead"...So you have this battered, limping, wounded remnant to lead.?????????????

To me "lead" means to walk ahead. Not to command...to dictate... to "use" others. Analogy....sled dogs...The lead dog can be male or female. There are always "alphas". Older, wiser....not necessarily the fastest and strongest. The dogs in the team have learned to trust by experience, miles traveled.

Like i said JAN....i do not want to be a leader for anyone. Maybe you think i am lying about that.

TRUE LEADERSHIP always accepts RESPONSIBILITY....ACCOUNTABILITY. maybe we need a long hard discussion on parallel topics. Like COMMAND AUTHORITY....

Now i wanted to discuss what the OFFICES really are...and how they are supposed to work. To expose the LIES we all have had to deal with and see what should have been and whether it still could be.

You game?






For some reason "we" Christian-types use the term "submission" a lot when we talk and think about religious and spiritual "stuff". Rarely would we even try to use it in our daily lives. But in reality we submit to some level of authority in everything we do.

When we drive our cars we often submit at every stop light and stop sign. Why? Because on the next light we run we may find a truck in our way? Probably. The rules of the road are followed mostly because if we blatantly try to break them at every opportunity, We will either have our license revoked and be incarcerated ...or get ourself more permanently killed. Most common "law" was created to protect people. Sometimes from themselves, sometimes from their neighbors, and even sometimes from "temporal authority". Joe's vision on THE MAGNA CARTA is a warning that those "rules" that gives us our rights and freedoms will be "lost". When that happens so will any and all protections we may have had.

People who work in the "marketplace" have to follow rules set by government and by their employers. Rebel against either rules and you will find yourself unemployed.   In my job there are people in management who i am accountable to. I submit to their authority. I may be older, more experienced, and more knowledgeable.... but they say whether i "come or go". Many people would rail and rant if anyone tried to tell them what to do and how to do it. Personally, my ego takes second fiddle to a pay check. Over time most of those "over me" have learned that i know my job and can trust me to do it. They have learned that they do not have to "teach grandpa how to suck eggs".

It is not impossible to teach people how to use their authority. Just hard. Ask any Sergeant or CHIEF Petty Officer how long it takes them to break in a batch of new officers. Any COB or TOP can tell you if the newbie has "command potential" in very short order.

Over the years i have only one who is WORTHY to submit to. After that i have to TRUST HIM on who i will defer to. When i first met Stephen Benning i saw that THE LORD was "grooming" him to "command". So I had no problem "submitting" to his authority on the site THE LORD instructed him to form...the WPA. Does that mean i have agreed with everything and anything he has said or done. No...but he would listen to my position and i his. We could agree to disagree.

But i have never tried to undermine his authority or even challenge his authority. Why...because nothing we really could not agree on meant that much. The things we were in strong agreement together out numbered the others by a huge margin.

Over the years THE LORD has given me an awareness of the burdens Stephen carries. And with that awareness has grown both respect and affection. Likewise Joe Cook with whom i have had several intense phone calls. Randy has a special flavor that only SERVANTS seem to have. So i see them as BROTHERS and FELLOW SERVANTS. Easy to submit to.

As i look at the past 4 weeks it has become obvious that many out there see me as the 900 pound gorilla.

I have seen comments about "being too intellectual" and "being intimidating". So i want to ask...DO You feel safe as long as i stay quiet and eat my bananas flambé'.(I might be a gorilla, but i have class.) But if  i merely growl you jump away scared... but safe behind the bars.

Nah...won't ask that question. So i wonder....are the bars to keep me in, or to keep all of you out?







Dear WPA,

I was listening to a commentator talk about the situation in POST-KATRINA amerika. He said that these areas had been "thrown back into the stoneage". I heard one individual saying on Tuesday Morning that the "people" had to got and LOOT because they needed food. Now for years CIVIL DEFENSE has told people that when HURRICANE SEASON begins they should check their "supplies". 3 to 7 days of canned food, water, batteries, radio, flashlights, etc.... I guess 24 hours of supplies was less than most of these "people" had "put aside".

Some people go camping for fun. Canoeing, kayaking, sailing, even hiking....into "wilderness" no less.

Today is Wednesday and the LEVEES have failed and water keeps flowing into NEW ORLEANS. Many people "chose" not to leave...many had few or even no options. Now they have no roof over their head... no electricity and no A/C... no drinking water, no plumbing....

The day after ANDREW hit i had my house bailed out and was putting tarps on my roof. Of course i had hammer, nails, tarps on hand just in case. It is called preparations....on the third day after Andrew we were throwing out the fallen ceiling panels and ripping up carpet that was already stinking. Soggy carpet is not fun to walk on or fun to smell.

Within a week every house had piles of debris, furniture and garbage awaiting "pickup". We had a very PUNGENT community for a few months till the county could go street by street. In fact DADE county had so much refuse they built MT TRASHMORE that was the highest point in Dade County ever since.

Now if all the prophetic possibilities continue as expected....we should all anticipate accommodating ourselves with STONEAGE technology.

Years ago Hank Williams Jr had a song entitled... A COUNTRY BOY CAN SURVIVE...

You can live off the land....depends if you want to do it hard or easy.

Any thoughts






Dear WPA, I am not sure exactly how the thread started, but it has got interesting. If local government says they are ordering a mandatory evacuation of an area, should we as Christians obey "civil authority". Do we evacuate only when we get SPECIFIC DIVINE REVELATION?

Maybe Paul should have gone into more detail.... Wherefore I put thee in remembrance that thou stir up the gift of God, which is in thee by the putting on of my hands.   For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.

Well, as i read it, GOD has given us POWER, LOVE, and a SOUND MIND. Whether we show actual evidence of any of the three is up to us as individuals. Granted we see very little of it at times, but ido not think it is GOD'S FAULT people fail to use what HE GIVES us so freely. Throughout the BOOK of PROVERBS "WISDOM", "KNOWLEDGE", and "UNDERSTANDING" are placed before us. Whose fault is it if we fail to think SOUNDLY?

A SOUND MIND...COMMON SENSE...see a truck bearing down on you as you cross a street do you get out of it's way? Or stand still and ask for prayer from those with you so GOD will tell you what to do.

I guess part of the whole issue is that we have thought about things somewhere in our lives. The house is on fire, do you know how to get out? Deciding whether you will stay or flee should not be on the agenda.

So let's deal with CIVIL DISOBEDIENCE. As a FOLLOWER of THE GOOD SHEPHERD you may have figured that there are some difficult times ahead. You may browse the "SO CALLED PROPHETIC SITES" to get a handle on what lies on that road. JUDGMENTS, SEALS, TRUMPETS, BOWLS and the like. How soon some may ask. Some can answer, last week. It all depends how you look at it.

All of us should have already decided what we would do if.... In the Book of Daniel we are given 3 specific scenarios. The first was about the food to be eaten. Daniel and friends went to AUTHORITY and asked for plain veggies and water. Authority said, OKAY...as long as you maintain peak performance. Worked out. The second had no choice....there would be no compromise...they would not worship an IMAGE. The third was similar...NO PRAYER...Daniel continued to pray. In option 2 and 3 there was no compromise. So we have the stories of the FIERY FURNACE and THE LION'S DEN. In 2 and 3, DIVINE INTERVENTION OCCURED. I do not think Shadrack, Meshak, and ABENDIGO expected intervention.

JERUSALEM WAS CAPTURED and THE TEMPLE destroyed...what could they expect. Simple… DEATH. Death was preferred over breaking GOD'S COMMANDMENT.

So i am told there is a Category 5 coming at me....i am told that i have to leave today. I leave. Pack all i can and head for high country...call it a "NO BRAINER". Sometime in the future....AUTHORITY says I must go to the town hall. Nowhere in scripture tells me not to go....so why fight it if all they want is to take my picture and confirm my ID and residence. I have been "hiding" in plain sight for years. Now....if i am called to "take the mark" … "worship the BEAST"...then i don't show up. Maybe they will have to start searching for me. One day if they catch me i get to make the final choice for MY LORD. There is nothing written anywhere where i am supposed to make it easy for them.

So when it comes to traditional "civil disobedience" we can choose to refuse to obey orders given. The only thing i question is when to start. Today we pay taxes. Get a drivers license. Put tags on our cars. This is all in obedience to civil authority....  government rules and regulations. Anytime we want to we can say "NO"...but as the saying goes, don't do the crime if you won't do the time...THERE WILL come a time where the RIGHTIOUS will not obey. So you had better know where and when you will STAND.

Now there is a difference between "civil disobedience" and "armed rebellion". We may want to follow the example of our forefathers and stand up against TYRANY. Both have a price tag. The piper has to be paid either way. And from the days of John the Baptist until now the kingdom of heaven suffereth violence, and the violent take it by force. If we chose "force" we must understand "force". And since THE BODY OF CHRIST is showing none of HIS POWER corporately we had better get a firm understanding of both offices and gifts...real soon. Daniel was told all about it so we should expect to see it fairly soon. But in his estate shall he honour the God of forces: and a god whom his fathers knew not shall he honour with gold, and silver, and with precious stones, and pleasant things.



Editors notes

In all that I have endeavored these last few days to put up I have to wonder about a few things. What is it we have yet to come into as far as the spiritual things of God? How will a family of four get on when all hell breaks loose or will certain futures actually come into play? And finally why is nobody truly understanding that the last day were not a spring beak but a nightmare that doesn’t end until He ends it?




The Day Of Atonement

Sunset tonight is the BEGINNING of YOM KIPPUR. What I want to ask, when you see the term ATONEMENT, what do "you" believe it means? This is important.

Much of what the present day "church" believes is based over centuries of men's teaching.... and not a strict definition of what GOD SAYS. Now if say, 1400 years ago,

Someone creates some "doctrine" that says what the have decided what GOD MENT. Who knows when and where error came in. But we can look at the original language,

Seek THE LORD, and wait upon HIM. And LEARN what is TRUE.






Want To Get Revelation Knowledge?

Dear WPA,

Yesterday someone sent a personal email that asked me how they can learn to "hear" GOD. Now we talked about how to "teach discernment" and all of you agreed that it can not be taught. Now from their many avenues were mentioned on "intimacy", "relationship", and all kinds of good "stuff".

I learned along time ago it really is all simple. So simple we all try to make it harder than it is.

So to make it simple...this time...as a gift to all of you on this day before YOM KIPPUR i will ask a question...and then give the answer. After that it is up to you.

Ready....first THE QUESTION...

How do you LEARN to HEAR HIS VOICE...or i could say... HOW do you obtain RHEMA....then again i could clarify it a little for some... HOW DO I GET REVELATION KNOWLEDGE?

ANSWER.... answer HIS QUESTION....

In all of scripture there is one time where JESUS asks a QUESTION....seems so simple...and it is. It is the ANSWER that everything we have and are is based on.

JESUS asked "who do YOU say I AM"....

In the RED LETTERS we learn only PETER had the RIGHT ANSWER. and SOMEONE had to feed it to him. THE ONLY WAY WE CAN ANSWER is if ABBA tells us.

But even then PETER got little out of it as the GOSPELS tell us. But in JESUS' response to the answer and how PETE got it is our total foundation for what we are doing here now, at this time, on the WPA.

Think about it....it is all there in Mat 16...in 3 verses. But look at the 4th verse...verse 20.

Any discussion?







None of any of this is new....just remember when THE SONS OF KORAH came out with this #1 hit... or maybe it was a little before your time... call it contemporary Christ music ... it never ages... only gets better DAY BY DAY.

Ps 46:1 [[To the chief Musician for the sons of Korah, A Song upon Alamoth.]] God [is] our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble.

Ps 46:2 Therefore will not we fear, though the earth be removed, and though the mountains be carried into the midst of the sea;

Ps 46:3 [Though] the waters thereof roar [and] be troubled, [though] the mountains shake with the swelling thereof. Selah.

Ps 46:4 [There is] a river, the streams whereof shall make glad the city of God, the holy [place] of the tabernacles of the most High.

Ps 46:5 God [is] in the midst of her; she shall not be moved: God shall help her, [and that] right early.

Ps 46:6 The heathen raged, the kingdoms were moved: he uttered his voice, the earth melted.

Ps 46:7 The LORD of hosts [is] with us; the God of Jacob [is] our refuge. Selah.

Ps 46:8 Come, behold the works of the LORD, what desolations he hath made in the earth.

Ps 46:9 He maketh wars to cease unto the end of the earth; he breaketh the bow, and cutteth the spear in sunder; he burneth the chariot in the fire.

Ps 46:10 Be still, and know that I [am] God: I will be exalted among the heathen, I will be exalted in the earth.

Ps 46:11 The LORD of hosts [is] with us; the God of Jacob [is] our refuge. Selah.