Thomas Gibson – USA


1994 11 01.1

I have been somewhat pleased that the people of this country have looked toward Me and sought Me in some ways. But I have not been pleased in the way they have sought for me. They have looked for a god that would excuse them of their sin, and their evil ways, and their evil ends that they have longed for in their hearts.

Now I will do this: I will make a statement of prophetic fact of what I shall do in the coming years to them for their evil and their righteousness. They have walked in some ways righteous. I have some people, of Me, that will walk with Me in everything that I ask!  But they are few. Most of the people of this nation, the U.S., will not look to me, but they will look to a god that will support their selfishness! I will not do that!!

Now first I will look toward the future of this nation, the U.S., with a sorrowful heart that they have wholly chosen not the right path of righteousness, but the wrong path of their own device. No longer will they have the blessings that they have enjoyed in the past.  A number of things will be brought on them for their evil, starting with their financial problems, earthquakes, and other disasters, of a way that is from the earth and weather.  First then, they will have many of the problems that they are now beginning to experience, but more so!

Now after this there must become a way of destruction from the will of satan.  He will first desire that abortion on demand be law, and it will be so. You will see this come to pass in the next few years!  I do not desire this, but satan does, and the U.S. is being turned over to their own evil lusts, and therefore I will let satan have more of his way than in the past.  This will cause a number of extra judgments on them, but they will not repent of this evil.

Therefore, because of the evil that is in their hearts, I will bring various destructions upon them, but I will not judge them as I will and have other nations, because of the ones who do truly serve Me in their midst. I will bring only limited destruction upon them for a short time, BUT then, if they do not repent of their evil deeds, they will be severely destroyed almost to the last of the will to fight against their enemy.

This force that will come against them is the power of the demon of Russia.  This force will come upon them without any warning. It will be as though they had peace in their hands, an absolute peace, that would rule the world, BUT THEN the destruction of world war three will intervene; and as they have said, "peace, peace," and as I have said, "when they say, `peace, peace,' there will be utter destruction!!"

It is My will that they have an understanding of the holiness of God and the knowledge of the ways of God.  It is not My will to punish them for their iniquity or their evil ways, but to stand and say that they know the ways of God and do fully follow them. I mean to bring about an understanding of My ways, of My desires of the Spirit, and the things which are from above not beneath. It is this that they have refused to understand or try to understand. Indeed, they have gone out of their way to avoid My ways, lest they have to repent and follow a God which will tell them what to do.

So therefore do not wait, staying on the path of destruction that the flesh will bring to you, but stay on the path of holiness that My Spirit will bless you with, if you will simply look to Jesus, the One who died for your sins, that you may be justified before Me without any wrong on your book of actions.  It is simply a matter of repenting of your sins and turning around to follow the will of the Lord God of Israel!

Look now to the ways of the Spirit of God. While others may suffer in their despair because of these things going on round about; you—if you walk after the Spirit of God and not after the lusts of the flesh, which is to be selfish and want to do your thing and not My thing, says the Lord—then you can and will be blessed of God, not to be affected by any of the things which will fall on those who do not the way of the Spirit of God.  It is a matter of commitment to My will, says the Lord God of Israel!


1997 09 22.2

This word of the Lord is for all those who have desired to know the times and seasons. There will come a three fold sign of the end times. This will be, no matter what else may happen. I, the Lord have spoken.

1. The Fall of an American President

2. The collapse of the American economy

3. The infiltration onto American soil of enemy bands of soldiers to begin World War III

This word shall occur as spoken, says the Lord. Look not to the earth for your ways, but look to Me, says the Lord of all things.


1997 10 26.1

Oh, these days, says the Lord, that will pass from Me!  For I will bring a wrath and judgment upon this nation of America. But it is not My will that they be judged in this way. I desire, says the Lord, that they repent, and turn everyone from their own way—fasting before Me a true repentance.

BUT THEY SHALL NOT!! Therefore, in this hour that I will bring wrath and judgment upon them for their evil, says the Lord.


1998 04 28.2

This nation of the U.S. shall come under great wrath, great judgment in the days to come. Make no mistake, there is coming a time when I shall pour out judgment on it in a very great way.

Now you see a little judgment, an increase in tornadoes, an increase in disasters. But no, this is not really the full judgment. This is but a very small beginning of what is to come. I shall pour wrath on that nation.

For while many declared God and Jesus and raise up that banner high, many, yet many, have come to understand in their heart—they use this as a banner, not to serve God, but to make themselves look good. I am not fooled by such hypocrisy. I know the hearts, and I know what's real, and I know what's not.

Judgment has come to this nation of the United States. It shall not leave till I bring that nation to its very knees, economically, politically, and as a world power I shall bring it to its knees, says the Lord God.


1998 08 12.1

For this you shall see before your very eyes, the Fall of America, and The Fall of It's Leader. You shall see it, says the Lord.

Look and beware. For as the things I have commanded have come to pass, so you shall see the word of God come to pass.


1998 08 12.2

There is time for christians to get their lives in order for the coming crash of the United States. Do not weep for this nation, for it is sick. It is filled with wickedness, and I am laying upon it a just and deserved wrath. Do not weep for it, but look to yourselves, that you are in touch with the Spirit of God, that you are serving the King of Kings, and the Lord of Lords.

Do not turn aside, do not pretend that you are serving a God when your heart is on the things of this earth. Serve Me, says the Lord. for there is coming a time when judgment on this earth shall be so great that only those who walk with Me can have any chance of survival. And they will walk in power and strength, and I will be with them, and I will strengthen them, and I will protect them.

But those who pretend, those who play the games, seek the things of the world, seek to build up big names for themselves—they shall fall hard at this time, very hard.

And when the dust is completely settled, My people will stand.


1998 09 26.1

Judgment has come, and so has testing!

I have brought about a test to the people of America. It is the video tapes of their president whom they love!

If they would now repent and change their ways, and stand up against a sinful, unrepentant president, they would then be spared much of the coming judgment.

BUT NO!! They have turned toward their president, and said in their hearts that they love him and his ways.

So be it. They have brought their own judgment upon their own heads!



1998 11 14.1

For thus says the Lord, when a nation falls, it falls for sin.

There has not been a civilization that has fallen, that has not fallen because I commanded it, says the Lord.

This time, at exactly this time, you are on the verge of the falling of a nation—so-called, the greatest nation in the world. The United States of America has stepped so steep into sin that it shall fall, and fall hard! Make no mistake, this word shall come to pass in the very soon-coming time.

Thus says the Lord, nobody who follows the Spirit of God closely, nobody who follows the Spirit of God closely, will deny this. For nations rise, and nations fall based on their walk with God.


1999 01 09.1

The great dread against the United States came in December of 1998 when they invaded Iraqi airspace to bomb Iraqi targets. That dread upon the United States shall not leave until the United States has suffered a severe blow—more than once, says the Lord.


1999 03 20.1

For the people of America have said they want to choose their own ways, they want to choose their own destiny, and so they have.

I sent Clinton and his sins to be a test of those people who have chosen their own way. And they chose. They chose to be in love with a man of sin. They chose to love that sin. They chose to love that way of life.

It is the joke, it is the formal training, that came from satan himself, that they love the things of sin.

So they have chosen their way, and they have chosen their future. The future of wrath, the future of judgment, the future of damnation from the King of Kings, and the Lord of Lords.


1999 04 08.1

Now hear this word. The United States has not come to the crossroads. That was some time ago. It has passed the crossroads, turned its life over unto sin, entered in a day of judgment. It has begun.

There are many wondering when it shall come. It has begun. It shall be occurring for many years. A series of judgments against the United States. The wrath of God has come.

It'll come in stages, some here, some there.

Oh, would I love them to repent! For I would stay judgment easily, quickly, lovingly, caringly.

But no, says the Lord. There hearts have been hardened! And so is Mine! And so it shall be. I shall bring it to pass!


1999 04 24.2

Kosovo, Kosovo, Kosovo. For they could have repented. They could have turned unto the ways of the Lord, but they did not!

Woe unto America. Woe unto America. Woe unto America. They time of judgment is coming. You do not see it. You do not understand.

But woe unto America, for your judgment day is coming. You believe you have set yourself right, to do the things you believe can be done in safety and without harm to your army.

But I say, woe unto America, for little by little, war by war, piece by piece, YOU SHALL BE DRAWN INTO conflict after conflict, till you can no longer protect yourself.

America the Great shall fall, and fall hard. It has raised itself up and worshipped its own technology. It has raised itself up and worshipped its own design. It has raised itself up and worshipped its own might. And all of these things shall fall by the Hand of the Mighty God.


1999 06 25.1

For this word is given that you understand that the United States has filled up its sins which I will allow. And I am preparing now, at this time, I am preparing now to bring the judgment that I have prophesied upon it.

If they will repent, even in this late stage, I will stay, and repair all that I have done to that point. If they will repent I will stay the wrath, I will stay the wrath. I will repair and I'll build back up.

But, oh, if they do not repent, if they do not repent, if they do not repent, the judgments will become more and more severe, and everything that I have ever prophesied shall come to pass. EVERY LAST THING!!

I shall bring one thing after another, in My order and in My way. And I shall bring the nation to its knees.

Woe be tied, Canada. For you too, have not listened to the word of the Lord. And you too, have filled up your pages of wrath to come. You have filled it up. Your sin has come up to Me—a stench that I cannot bear.

Therefore you too, will be judged. Wrath shall be poured out. And I shall take that nation, and I shall utterly destroy it from one end to the other; for its sins are so much greater, in many ways, than that of America.


2000 05 12.1

So says the Lord God of all. Stand fast and know that the times ahead are fulfilment of the sins of the nation.

For the United States shall first fall economically—first by economics, second by war—for I shall bring it to its knees.

Listen and heed the word of the Lord. I will deliver all the righteous and protect them from this time of wrath. But the nation shall be judged according to My word.


2000 06 21.1

Thus says the Lord God. Do not pretend that you will not be around when I give the orders to judge the great America! For the great America will be judged very soon, and when it is, I will pour out My wrath on their sin as I have said!


2000 10 21.5

The United States produces more pornography than any other, its called freedom;

the United States kills more children than any other, its called choice;

the United States produces more weapons than any other, its called business;

the United States flows its filth throughout the earth, its called domination.

And they wonder why I would judge them!!!


2000 11 14.1

For thus saith the Lord. The times and the seasons at hand are a sign of what is to come.

You see a small, and at this time almost minute, turmoil in the race for presidency. The United States, as well as many countries throughout the world, will begin to be in turmoil. This is nothing and not even significant.

In the years to come you'll see turmoil like you have never seen it in your life. Because now is the time satan is allowed to stretch forth his might farther than he has before.

Heed this. Note it. Be careful with it. This is not some simple prophecy. This goes some place, some place significant. It stretches forth in years to come that you will see turmoil of various kinds and from various sources; and they shall continue in this world.

These are the end times. And the turmoil toward the end shall come quickly. Selfishness of leaders shall put forth the world into turmoil like never before. Selfishness of potential leaders shall put forth the world into turmoil like never before.

This will be a sign of things to come in all countries. So says the Lord God.


2000 11 20.1

For thus says the Lord, the word of My prophets have gone forth throughout the years. Sometimes they don't speak volumes on subjects, and sometimes they do.

Listen to My word and watch. For My hand is upon the United States of America. It is upon the presidents, and it is upon the election; but so is satan's.

It is not time for America to be blessed; for it is come unto judgment. It is time for judgment to begin. And yet watch this! For while judgment may begin, it may not begin the way you believe.

I have My hand upon this. Don't expect Me to bless America. Expect Me to bring judgment: first a little, and then more. Several things are lining up to bring this judgment to pass. This president’s election is the beginning of such things. Many more things shall come.

Some shall wonder how things could get so bad? How could turmoil come to the great United States of America? But I say unto you, when America repents it can be blessed. Until then its cup is full: full of sin, and full of the wrath of God; and judgments must begin.


2000 12 02.1

Thus says the Lord, hear Me and know the United States of America is fully under My hand. But it is under My hand for wrath and judgment, not for blessings and prosperity. For My hand is against it, it shall be against it continuously until it repents. For My hand is against the evil of that nation. Everything that could go wrong, shall.

For in times to come you shall begin to see this. For what is happening now, this, right now with the president’s election, is My hand to begin to shake the confidence in the United States.

These days shall be ended. It shall come to pass that there will be a decision, and it will be put in the past. And yet it'll have planted a seed in the hearts and minds of people throughout the world that doubts the stability of the U. S. This stability doubt shall not heed logic, but shall grow over time to many events. And during this time it shall have been started by My hand, it shall continue by My hand, and it shall continue until the day the United States repents; and repent it will.

But what I will do against the United States to cause it to repent will be severe. It will not repent at the beginning. It will not repent later on. It will be like My nation Israel in the days of old when it was stubborn, and stubborn, and stubborn, and would not repent, and I brought judgment upon judgment against it. So shall the United States be.

I wish in My heart it would not be, but it shall be.

Therefore, stand and know that My people are under My protection. Those that are persecuted are persecuted. Those who stand, stand. For all those who stand with Me will be persecuted for the stand for the things of correctness, the things of Jesus, the things of God.

And those that stand, they shall have a peace and a strength within them—it is not of them, but of God. It shall lead them through the time of persecution. And I shall have My hand of protection upon them, not to deliver them from persecution, but to lead them through it, says the Lord. And I shall be with them in the days to come.

Look not to the days ahead and wonder what shall be. I shall reveal certain things about those days, but not all things. But look ahead in the humility of obedience to the Spirit of God. Seek the will of God and seek what you are to do and I shall show you and you shall stand, and you shall be part of the great, great army of the Lord.

Now hear this. So says the Lord God. Do not despise this judgment. It is not designed to bring great wrath upon the United States. It is designed to bring great repentance. But great wrath shall come because they will not repent for long, long time. Therefore many will die. There shall be much pain and much sorrow, but I will deliver that nation and bring it back to Me, says the Lord.

Now hear this. Look not to your politics for answers. Look not to your political parties. They have been infiltrated, even by wicked men; but look toward the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords, for He is your leader and you are a kingdom on this earth, a kingdom of God. In your hearts and wherever you are, you are a citizen of the great nation of the kingdom of God.

Stand and know that this is your calling: to stand for the King of Kings, to be a light wherever you are, to allow Me through you to be a light unto the nations. So says the Lord God.


2000 12 13.1

For thus saith the Lord. America is America. It shall not be great because one president won. It is not great because of its leader. For you see, My hand is upon America. If it is great, it is great because it serves Me; and is not under judgment but under blessing. And if it fails to be great it is because it is under judgment and under wrath.

For you see the United States of America does not operate by its own power, but by Mine. As every nation of this earth does, so it does. For My hand is on every nation. If they grow in strength it is because I wish it or allow it. If they are weakened it is because I wish it or I allow it.

So is the United States. The great nation shall be weakened. It shall be weakened because of this sins of its people. It shall not be strengthened. It shall never be strengthened until it repents.

It will not matter who is president. It will not matter who is leader. It will not matter what they think. It will matter whether the Spirit of God supports a nation or the Spirit of God turns against a nation.

For the Spirit of God guides every nation. Its blessing comes from above and not from beneath. If it is blessed, it is blessed because God allowed it to be blessed. If it is cursed it is because God allowed it to be cursed. For you see the spiritual direction of a nation is important to Me.

Some put faith in leaders. Some put faith in political ideologies. But a nation is blessed because of its spiritual nationhood with Me. Some are raised up to be damnation to other nations—such as Russia. For it is not a nation whose heart is to Me, but I am allowing it to rebuild itself—and it shall! It is being brought forth because I will use it as a tool to judge other nations, such as America, which has sinned before Me.

If Russia wants to continue to be blessed it must repent. If it does not it can be cursed the same way I curse America. For have you not looked to the Word and understood this? Look at Nebuchadnezzar, a man at the beginning that did not serve Me, and yet I raised him up and blessed him and prospered him, for I used him to judge My nation.

Nothing has changed in these days. The wrath of God works the same way. I'll raise up a nation simply to judge another.

America, America, America, why will you not turn your heart to Me? Quit your religious philosophy and get on your knees before Me and say I will serve the King of Kings. If the people of America will do this I will bring a curse against its enemies, and a blessing upon America the likes of which it cannot comprehend. It shall be so great they cannot comprehend it.

But woe-be-tied to America if it cannot. I tell you the truth. This nation stands at the brink of judgment and wrath. Its people have not made a decision to serve Me, but a decision to serve self, and it shall be their folly. So says the Lord God.


2000 12 25.1

In my spirit I can see a pipe in front of me. A section of it in the centre is squeezed so tightly together that I wonder if anything can get through. I am not sure if the flow through the pipe is cut off, or if some small amount may be getting through.

Then this word of God: thus says the Lord, this is the oil supplied to the United States by the Arab countries. Nothing else shall flow through this pipe until the time they release their grip on the United States. It shall happen, because I have said so, says the Lord.


2001 09 13.1

After getting over the initial shock on Tuesday I had begun to question the Lord about the terrorist attack on the USA. To my knowledge no prophet, including me, had prophesied about this specific event. I wanted to know how this fits into the prophetic picture.

Early on the morning of September 13, about 2:00 a.m., God woke me out of my sleep and began to reveal to me a link between an event and prophecy that occurred years ago. During this revelation in my spirit I had this feeling of dread on me. I believe this was the dread referred to in the prophecy. The revelation in my spirit went on for over an hour as God continually emphasized the facts over and over.

I had forgotten about this particular prophecy until the Lord reminded me of it that night. Below is the prophecy that God referred too.



1999 01 09.1

The great dread against the United States came in December of 1998 when they invaded Iraqi airspace to bomb Iraqi targets. That dread upon the United States shall not leave until the United States has suffered a severe blow––more than once, says the Lord.

The Lord revealed to me in this time that if the USA had not attacked Iraq in December of 1998 this event would not have taken place. It was mainly that attack that the terrorist’s used to justify their actions. The Lord made it clear to me that He was not saying that Iraq was behind this; nor was the Lord saying that they were not. He was not revealing to me who was behind it, but that the attack by the US spurred on the terrorists to take the action that they did.

The Lord showed me that the US attack on that day (in Dec. 1998) set in motion a series of events of which this is the first major occurrence. Many other occurrences will occur, and all of this will lead to extreme trouble for the United States of America.


2001 09 15.1

At this time in the United States of America there is great wrath and great fear. In the days to come and the years to follow, the terrorists will make a number of successful strikes against the United States––some of them devastating.

But My call to My people is not to fear this. My call to My people is to send out the message: repent for the time of judgment is at hand. As in all judgments, saith the Lord, I will stay it, I will hold it back, it is not My will to bring forth judgment, it is My will to bring forth repentance. For it is repentance that is needed in the land.

And if repentance truly came in a significant way I would raise My protection again and protect these United States against all harm. But until it comes, I will not protect it, saith the Lord. For it has departed from Me. It used My Name and proclaims God loudly, but it does not serve Me, it serves mammon, it serves the love of money, and it serves the love of itself. It has raised itself up in pride and said it has protected itself and become a great nation.

No statement worse than this could be made about the United States. For I have raised it up, and I have protected it, and I, saith the Lord, have made it a great nation. Don’t give glory to yourself in work that I have done, says the Lord.

Repent, turn from the love of money, turn from the love of self, turn truly back to the Bible days in the first century church that I showed you in both the gospels and the book of Acts––return to these days and I will stay My hand of judgment against the US. So says the Lord God of heaven and earth.


2001 09 16.1

Early in the morning––for a very short time, about 1 or 2 seconds––while I was in prayer with my eyes closed, I suddenly could see a high rise building with fire coming out of the top. I could not tell from my angle whether it was two towers one behind the other or one longer building, as I was looking at it from the end view. Also, I could not tell if this was the top, as it appeared to be, because the smoke covered the area above the fire––the building could have been much higher. It was definitely not the Trade Center in New York.

Then this word from the Lord: Now thus saith the Lord, there is more to come. Many times. It will take time. It will not happen all at once. The United States will be attacked over and over.

A few minutes later the Lord began to emphasis to me in my heart that these things will only happen if there is no repentance. Then this word from the Lord: If the United States does not turn as a nation from its wicked ways and back to God, this will happen.


2001 10 17.1

Oh, America, America, why have you forsaken Me, says the Lord? Why have you forsaken Me? For you have sought the very evil which has downed nation after nation, kingdom after kingdom, time after time, from the beginning of sin until now.

Search the Bible. Read it. Carefully examine it. Do you not understand? When a nation goes into sin and rebels against the God of heaven there comes a time of judgment. You cannot get away from it. You cannot escape it, except that you repent and that the people turn from their sin and stop it.

Do you not realize the parallel? Do you not understand the ways of God?

Less that 6 thousand people died when the towers came down, and you call that evil. But 40 million children have died because of what you call freedom. And yet you do not stop this. Yet you allow it to continue. Do you not understand when you say, “I repent, I am so sorry, God please forgive me, God bless this nation,” and you continue in sin you are the worst of all hypocrites? Do you not understand this is evil? Do you not understand America has not repented? It has only used God’s Name excessively, yet it has meant none of it.

When they turn from their sin they are repenting! When America turns from its sin I will say, “Stop!” and the judgment shall stop. But until it does there shall be judgment! If you think that this is judgment, you have yet to see judgment in any serious manifestation.

Many years from now you will say, “Yes, judgment has come.” And yet, even more will come except that the nation repent! For that is the only way it can escape. I will turn up the wrath of God. For My wrath, saith the Lord, will be strong! And it will not turn aside except there be repentance.

From the heart turn from your sin and I will stop it, saith the Lord. But, oh those who seek to pervert the so-called freedom by turning it to sin after sin, I say unto you: you will suffer severely both now and in the judgment day because you have perverted what I gave America.

I gave it freedom to serve Me, saith the Lord. Freedom to reach the world with the gospel. And yet that is not what it has done. It has chosen freedom to sin, freedom to rebel, freedom to take God’s Name out, freedom to put other religions in, freedom to worship money, freedom to serve self. IT HAS NOT COMMITTED FREEDOM TO SERVE THE LORD!!

Therefore, they have reaped what they have sown. And they will continue to do so. So says the Lord God!


2001 11 04.3

In Dec. of ‘98 when I gave you that prophecy concerning the fact that the United States entered Iraq without My blessing, I stated there will be repercussions that would eventually lead to a great war. [Several prophecies in Dec. ‘98 and two later that refer to Dec. ‘98 give what the Lord noted to above: 1998 12 17.1; 1998 12 23.1; 1998 12 23.3; 1998 12 24.1; 1999 01 08.1; 1999 01 09.1; these prophecies are available on my web page]

They have now, again, followed those repercussions to the place where they cannot escape save I intervene to allow them to escape. This would only happen upon their repentance. The nation has not repented and so it shall go forth.

They shall fight in Afghanistan. And they shall have a difficult time. And every time that they think they have made progress they will find a huge price for that progress. Terrorism will not stop. I will allow it to continue, says the Lord. Every step they make will cost them dearly. And if they do not step, it will cost them dearly anyway. For terrorism will still move forward.

They have stepped into a sin in which repentance is the only way out, and things will get steadily worse. My hand will see that it happens. Save that they repent, they are in serious trouble and heading for worse. So says the Lord.


2001 11 04.4

There will be many more attacks on the United States, some from above, some from the ground; but they shall continue, says the Lord.


2001 12 06.1

This word of the Lord comes as a result of the nation of America and its attempts to get back with Me.

For they have used My Name, says the Lord, but their heart is not toward Me.

They have gone to church, but they love their money.

They have sought everything but truth.

The nation of America wallows in sin. The nation of America seeks its own way. The nation of America continues its evil: for it murders the unborn child, it loves money, it loves its power, and it gives the credit for all its power to themselves.

Where did I come from, saith the Lord? Did not I raise the nation? Did not I raise it up? For they have loved their love and their love was the love of the earth, the love of satan, the love of evil. They have sought the sins of the earth and I will judge them.

This is not a time to sit back and say the terrorists have gone. This is the time to stand up for the terrorists are here, standing at the door!!

Stand and beware America shall be judged. Had they repented, truly I would turn and deliver them. But less than one in a thousand of those who use the name christian are truly serving Me, saith the Lord, less than one in a thousand.

So many play religious games. So many call themselves christian. So many seek to play a game. But I look on the heart, saith the Lord. I look to see whom they are dedicated too: to the god of this earth which is satan, or to the God of heaven which is Me.

Listen, saith the Lord, I will bring America to its knees. It will take several years, but it will happen; save they repent and turn I will bring it to its knees.

America has sought evil. America has sought evil over and over and over. They produce more sin than any other nation. They have not only murdered the unborn child, they have taken My Name out of schools, they don’t give Me the credit for raising them up, they are slowly turning away from My nation Israel, and they are producing pornography at an incredible rate––and they call themselves a Christian nation. THERE IS NOTHING CHRISTIAN ABOUT IT!! They are evil through and through! And I will deal with them as I have always dealt with nations of evil! So says the Lord!


2001 12 21.1

As I was dozing off early in the morning I had a short dream. In the dream I was swinging a sledge hammer. I swung it very hard, and suddenly without any warning, the head of the sledge hammer came off slammed down on the ground with a very loud thud. I literally jumped awake at this. My body jerked up and I was fully awake. I could feel fear from this dream.

Then the word of the Lord said this is how quick it will come, this is how fast and how sudden it will occur when the terrorists strike again.


2002 01 27.1

This morning shortly after waking up, I was in prayer. During that prayer I began to doze off a bit and experienced the following.

I could see a man walking toward me. This man was bin Laden. As he walked I noticed he had something special above his head. It was a round item lightly larger than his head––something like a lamp shade with many colours intermingled––and it hovered just above his head as he walked.

As I watched the scene changed. His head was bare, his hair shaved off, and the item above his head was gone. I also noticed his beard had disappeared. He then fell down on the ground and appeared to be dead or greatly wounded.

Suddenly he rose up. But now the man was no longer looking like bin Laden. This was a different man. He had a beard and was dressed like bin Laden had been––the way you see him on television. The item above his head which made of many colours had come back.

This man had a long knife––almost like a short sword––in his hand. He held this knife like he was going to use it to stab someone. He then went forward to attack. This was the end of the scene before me.

After this the Lord showed me something else. This multi-coloured item that was first above the head of bin Laden, and then above the head of the new man represented the position of leadership in al-Qaeda and other organizations of which the new man had power over. This was a new leader and the organization was again operational.

Then this word from the Lord. Thus saith the Lord, this man is not bin Laden but a leader which will lead a new rebel group against America, Europe, and others. So says the Lord.


2002 02 17.1

For thus says the Lord God. Never before in the history of the American’s has there been a time like this. They stand at the forefront of the time of the greatest crash of a nation that this earth has ever seen. It will take some years to fulfill, but it shall take place. Coming up is a time that in one day many shall die and many shall see a terrible destruction that will come on America.

This is not a time to run and hide. It is a time to stand up and tell your neighbours that there is coming a time of great destruction. Stand and be known to the world that you are a christian that will tell the truth no matter how bad it may seem. For the truth shall set you free.

All of My people shall be protected during this time. But those who are not leading a life with the Lord Jesus as their leader shall not be protected and shall be judged. For the sins of the nation of America have come up before me and they shall be judged. So says the Lord!


2002 04 28.2

For thus says the Lord, hear Me and know the time is short. The United States shall be hit severely––yet not immediately––but it shall come soon. A little while and the United States shall suffer a severe blow.

No, I will not bring a war on it yet, that is, not a war with a nation, but it will come from terrorism, from natural disasters, and other things I will bring against it.

I plead with America to repent. I plead with her to turn from her sins, to turn back to the God she once served. For if she would turn back to Me with a full heart I will end all judgment and bring blessing upon her. For this is My will, says the Lord.


2002 05 06.1

Things I will bring to pass:

1. This will of God to bring America to its knees: America will be continually brought down by increasingly severe judgments of earthquake, power of enemy, weather, and other judgments of God.

2. America’s only way out is to have a majority of the nation fall to their knees to bring themselves to a place where they will turn and truly serve the Lord!

3. The church has completely failed the nation of America. They have turned their back to God’s ways and become as sinful as the world. For I find that they have openly committed fornication, that is, sex outside of marriage, without shame; they have committed adultery in that they have openly divorced and remarried as the world; they have done nothing about the sins within the church except promote and defend it––even the pastor’s have been guilty.

4. Even Canada will now be judged by the side of America for they have gone much further than the U.S. They have promoted homosexuality in the government. The churches have ceased to stand against this; with some of the so-called churches supporting it.

5. There is to come much wrath of God on these two nations; but there must come a forgiving Spirit of God. For those who will fall on their knees I will forgive and even turn to bless them––even at the last minute during My wrath.


2002 06 22.2

In the United States, says the Lord, I have directed terrorism to continue; and will direct it to continue. I will put My hand to them, and support them, and guide them to success, says the Lord. For the judgments of God are against America because of its sins which have come up before Me. Do not doubt––when I allow it, and when I direct it––there will be an attack against the U.S. again. This must be unless they repent. So says the Lord.


2002 08 18.1

As I was praying the Lord showed me the following in my spirit. I could see President Bush from his left side sitting at a desk or table. He was saying, “We must get Saddam Hussein, we must get Saddam Hussein.” (He said it twice).

As I watched he signed some type of paper. But he signed it with his left hand from the right to the left––just as the Arabic language is written. He signed this twice. I could not tell if he was signing two papers one above the other, or twice on the same page.

Then the Lord gave me this word. Thus says the Lord, these two statements by Bush, plus the two signatures, indicate each two agreements with Arabic nations. These two agreements are compromises by Bush in order to get permission to go into Iraq.

When he signs them, says the Lord, this will create ruffled feathers both in America and in Arabic areas as they find out what is agreed too; which will not be done until some time later.


2002 08 24.1

The first agreement [see 2002 08 18.1] the American President will make with the Arabic nations is to strongly support a Palestine state in the West Bank.

The second agreement will be their right to the capital of Jerusalem.

The U.S. President will then backtrack on these two agreements creating trouble on both sides––first to the right wing American politics, and then to the Arabic states.


2002 08 25.1

Thus says the Lord. I will allow another terrorist attack on New York. This attack will create fear throughout the city.


2002 11 1.1

For thus says the Lord. America is due judgment. My hook is in Bush’s nose to pull him into war with Iraq. And when he goes to war, America will be judged in a great way.

For thus says the Lord. America, America why have you forsaken Me?


2002 11 13.1

America, America, why would you not turn from your sins. You have longed to rule over others and therefore you shall be ruled over. You have sought the sins of the world and therefore you will have the world judge you.

Listen unto Me, says the Lord, if you would have repented and turned back to the true God of all, I would have blessed you, and all of the wrath to come would be stilled. But you would not listen and have gone after the world, and therefore, your enemies there will judge and condemn you.

Seek not the ways that are pleasing to the world or pleasing to the flesh; but seek only the ways of God so that you can walk in blessing and not in curse.


2003 01 19.1

Thus saith the Lord, I am that I am. The I Am has stated that judgments shall come. But when I delay such wrath do not think it shall not occur.

I have mercy and I delay My wrath on the U.S. in order that they might repent, but they have not. After 9/11 much prayer was made, but not to repentance, but rather to protection. Have they not understood that with repentance goes My protection?

I have given them much time to turn from their sins, but they have not. Instead they now go on toward their destruction.


2003 02 20.1

For thus says the Lord. I am that I am. Listen unto the warnings of My many prophets. Listen to what I say through them. Great judgments shall come upon the nations, but the greatest shall come upon America. For she has served herself, lifting herself up and giving herself the glory for her greatness.

I am that I am has made her great. Those who give the glory for their greatness to Me shall be blessed. Those who think they can become great without Me shall be judged for their evil, their pride, their lust for power.

Thus says the Lord. I have spoken and it shall happen.


2003 03 28.1

As America’s invasion of Iraq in the ‘98 bombing brought about September 11 [see prophecies 2001 09 13.1 and 2002 11 1.1], so too will this invasion into Iraqi soil bring terrorism on American soil.

I have purposed in My heart that America shall be judged––and so it shall.


2004 05 22.1

As I said in 2001 [2001 11 04.3], “they shall fight in Afghanistan. And they shall have a difficult time. And every time they think they have made progress they will find a huge price for that progress.”

And so they have. They are still there and they are still fighting in many remote locations. But their huge price is being found in Iraq. Most of the problems that have come upon America in that nation have befallen them as a result of Afghanistan. So note this. Many years have gone by and slowly this word is coming to pass.


Beware! There are many more attacks to come on the United States and these will come at their due appointed time!

2004 07 1.3

Thus saith the Lord. I have My hand on the U.S. They will not escape judgment. Slowly they are being drawn into wars and situations that will turn their enemies strongly against them. Only My protection will protect what is coming. Beware that the time is short and I am bringing about the fulfilment of all.


2004 11 20.1

I declare, says the Lord, that Bush would win the election. I declare, says the Lord, that the time of judgment upon the U.S. will continue.

First, Bush will surround himself with unwise counsellors. These will lead him away from wisdom and toward destruction.

Then, Bush will drag the U.S. into a situation that will enable China and Russia to attack. When all this is done according to My plan, judgment will become fierce upon fierce. So says the Lord.


2004 12 08.1

When My people who are far from Me begin to return, humble themselves, and be a light to those around them; then and only then can I move in the power of revival.

For revival can only come when My people spend their time in prayer, fasting, humility, and obedience, in love.

For few realize how close judgment on America is. If they could see what is about to happen it would shake them and send them to their knees.

Therefore, cry out and prepare your way for God. Prepare to bless those around you who are in need. Prepare to witness to the truth. Prepare to serve the Most High God.

For the time is close!